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Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials

We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.

Our guide on Perennials may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

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Showing 3641 to 3660 of 4302 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

PRIMULA bulleyana

Primula Bulleyana

red buds opening orange

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PRIMULA denticulata

Primula Denticulata

lilac-purple drum-stick primula

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Primula denticulata 'Blue'

Primula Denticulata 'Blue'

Holding an RHS Award of Garden Merit, Primula denticulata is an incredibly versatile little peren...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Primula denticulata 'Blue'

Primula Denticulata 'Blue'

Holding an RHS Award of Garden Merit, Primula denticulata is an incredibly versatile little peren...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Primula denticulata 'Mixed'

Primula Denticulata 'Mixed'

Primula denticulata ?Mixed? bears neat rosettes of semi-evergreen foliage and pom-pom-like cluste...

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Thompson & Morgan

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PRIMULA denticulata alba



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PRIMULA florindae

Primula Florindae

late flowering, canary-yellow, scented

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PRIMULA helodoxa



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PRIMULA japonica 'Miller's Crimson'



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PRIMULA japonica 'Postford White'



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PRIMULA pulverulenta



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Primula veris (cowslip)

Primula Veris (Cowslip)

Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, humu...

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Primula vialii (Vial's primrose)

Primula Vialii (Vial's Primrose)

Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, humus rich, neutr...

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Primula Vialiia (Orchid Primrose) 50 Plants + 20 FREE
Free delivery

Primula Vialiia (Orchid Primrose) 50 Plants + 20 Free

Very hardy and produces vivid displaysThese bedding plants are a very hardy variety and when plan...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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PRIMULA vialli

Primula Vialli

lilac poker-like flowers, red in bud

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PRIMULA vulgaris

Primula Vulgaris

fragrant pale yellow flowers

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Primula vulgaris (primrose)

Primula Vulgaris (Primrose)

Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, humus-rich, neut...

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Prunella grandiflora 'White'

Prunella Grandiflora 'White'

This low-growing, spreading perennial makes a useful addition to the front of borders where it wi...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Prunella grandiflora 'White'

Prunella Grandiflora 'White'

This low-growing, spreading perennial makes a useful addition to the front of borders where it wi...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Prunella grandiflora ?Violet-Flowered?

Prunella Grandiflora ?Violet Flowered?

This low growing, spreading perennial makes a useful addition to the front of borders where it wi...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our page on border ideas.

  • A garden flower photo
  • back border
  • Summer Border
  • View of the back garden June 08
  • Upper border 31 May

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