Garden Centre > Plants > Perennials
We have found 4302 perennials from 9 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £0.50 to the most expensive at £269.99.
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Ageratina Altissima 'Chocolate?? (White Snakeroot (Syn. Eupatorium))Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: prefers moist, alkaline soil <br/> Rate of growth: average Fl... |
Viola Cornuta 'Alba Group' (Horned Violet)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br... |
Ajuga Reptans 'Burgundy Glow' (Bugle)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: any moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of gr... |
Veronicastrum Virginicum 'Album' (Culver's Root)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, moist, well-drained s... |
Pulmonaria 'sissinghurst White' (Lungwort)Position: full or partial shade <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of gr... |
Helleborus X Hybridus Harvington Speckled White (Lenten Rose Hellebore)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: heavy, neutral to alkaline soil <br/> Rate of growth: average... |
Digitalis Ferruginea (Rusty Foxglove)Position: full sun to partial shade <br/> Soil: moist, humus-rich soil <br/> Rate of growth: a... |
Thymus Vulgaris 'silver Posie' (Thyme)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: well-drained neutral to alkaline soil <br/> Rate of growth: aver... |
Lathyrus Latifolius 'Rosa Perle' (Everlasting Sweet Pea (Syn. Pink Pe...Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil <br/> Rate... |
Sanguisorba 'Tanna' (Burnet)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: poor-to-average, moist, well-drained soil <br/> R... |
Hemerocallis 'American Revolution' (Daylily)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained soil <br/... |
Iris Sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' (Siberian Iris)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: well-drained, moderately fertile soil <br/> Rate ... |
Veronica 'shirley Blue' (Speedwell)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, moist, well-drained s... |
Veronicastrum Virginicum F. Roseum 'Pink Glow' (Culver's Root)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moderately fertile, moist, well-drained s... |
Penstemon 'southgate Gem' (Beard Tongue)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: ... |
Hosta (Tardiana Group) 'June' (Pbr) (Plantain Lily)Position: partial or full shade Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: ave... |
Leucanthemum X Superbum ' 'Wirral Supreme' (Shasta Daisy)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: moderately-fertile, moist but well-drained soil... |
Origanum Vulgare 'Aureum' (Golden Wild Marjoram)Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: poor to moderately fertile, well-drained, prefera... |
Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign' (Lungwort)Position: partial shade <br/> Soil: humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate of growth: a... |
Hemerocallis Lilioasphodelus (Daylily)Position: full sun <br/> Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained soil <br/... |
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