Garden Centre > Hand Tools > Forks
We have found 13 forks from 4 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £20.00 to the most expensive at £69.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Border Forks, Compost Forks, Potato Forks, Standard Forks.
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
'select' Stainless Steel ForkThis beautifully crafted fork has a mirror polished stainless steel finish which makes it fully r... |
'select' Stainless Steel ForkThis beautifully crafted fork has a mirror polished stainless steel finish which makes it fully r... |
De Wit Ladies ForkThis beautifully proportioned spade has a smaller head, that means they are lighter to work with... |
De Wit Potato Fork 3 TinesA quality bit of kit that will help you dig up your potatoes without damaging them too much. It ... |
De Wit Potato Fork 4 TinesDig potatoes without damage with the De Wit potato fork that features T shaped handle to ease t... |
De Wit Two Pronged Weeder / Rose ForkThis is the tool for gently loosening and aerating the soil before applying fertilisers or mulch... |
Fiskars Stainless Steel Border ForkThis top-of-the-range border fork is made from non-stick polished stainless steel which means ef... |
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Md Green Valley Stainless Steel Border Fork (Bf0001)A good quality hard-wearing sharp and well-balanced border fork is an essential tool in any garde... |
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Md Green Valley Stainless Steel Garden Fork (Fk0002)No gardener's shed is complete without a good-quality hardwearing and serviceable garden fork. Fe... |
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Md Green Valley Stainless Steel Garden Fork With Poly Hilt (Fk0003)Smart strong and hardwearing. All these qualities should be part and parcel of your garden tools ... |
Potato ForkThe bayonet-shaped prongs of our traditional Potato Fork will help you to avoid damaging the pota... |
Traditional Potato Fork By Joseph BentleyThis beautifully crafted four-tine fork is perfect for digging up your potatoes, as the rounded ... |
Traditional Stainless Steel Ladies Fork (Graduate Fork)A great fork at only 90cm high (2' 11 inches) it is light and easy to use. Traditionally... |
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