Wildlife Garden Products
Garden Centre > Outdoor Living > Wildlife Garden
We have found 108 wildlife garden products from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.79 to the most expensive at £109.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Animal Habitats, Bird Baths, Bird Boxes, Bird Feeders, Bird Food, Bird Tables, Insect Boxes, Wildlife Cameras.
Showing 61 to 80 of 108 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling
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50 Choice Energy BallsFull of energy great for birdsUse all year round in Energy Ball feeder. Good for: Most garden bir... |
Bird Bistros With Nutrition Bars (Set Of 3)At first glance these bright bird feeders look like nesting boxes, but closer inspection reveals ... |
Silver Birch Log Robin BoxThis is an attractive natural Silver birch log nest box with open front. It is rebuilt to preve... |
Squirrel Proof Seed FeederKeep those robbing squirrels out with the squirrel proof seed feeder. As the squirrel climbs on... |
Squirrel Proof Peanut FeederGuaranteed squirrel proof peanut feeder. The simple effective mechanism uses gravity to protect ... |
Dual Bird Feeder For Peanuts And SeedMake sure you accommodate the fussy eaters and attract all kinds of birds into the garden with t... |
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50 Choice Fruity Energy BallsFull of energy great for birdsUse all year round in Energy Ball feeder. Good for: Most garden birds. |
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4kg Choice Nyjer SeedProviding a great source of energyUse all year round in Nyjer feeder. Good for: Smaller birds - e... |
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4 Kg Choice Premium Peanut KernelsRich in protein and fatUse in peanut feeder. Good for: Tits, Finches, Woodpeckers, Dunnocks, Star... |
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4kg Choice Sunflower HeartsPacked with nutrition great for birdsUse all year round in seed feeder. Good for: Almost all gard... |
Butterfly Habitat And FeederHelp bring back the butterflies that help to pollinate your plants by giving them a place to feed... |
Multi Bird FeederA versatile bird feeder, made from tough clear polycarbonate, with two easily fitted perches and ... |
Aged Metal Wall Bird FeederThis aged metal bird feeder has real character and will look stunning in any garden. Semi-circula... |
Butterfly HabitatRemember summer gardens full of butterflies? Help bring back those days by giving them a place to... |
Aged Ceramic Bird BathAn attractive glazed ceramic bird bath which has been cleverly aged to give it an old, Victorian... |
Deluxe Bird Feeding Station KitAll that you need to create a bird feeding haven and an attractive focal point in your garden. ... |
Self Assembly Bird TableThis bird table design has been around for ever and must have been a favoured pit stop for milli... |
Bountiful FeederEvery bird lover will appreciate this beautiful willow bird feeder. Complete with a roof to keep ... |
Lacewing ChamberThis natural habitat made from chunky FSC Certified Timber and natural log is an ideal habitat f... |
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