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By Bonkersbon

17 Jun, 2009
Comments on this photo
Oh he is sooo lucky you are Bonkers, to have spotted him..........
17 Jun, 2009
What a lovely shot of a beautiful little mouse.
17 Jun, 2009
Nice mouse BB but what about my nice surprise in the greenhouse ,look
17 Jun, 2009
Oh Janette they would be more terrified of you ..any movement and their off this little table right under our kitchen window Milky and so many birds and animals use it even wood pigeons land on it .. great lumps lol
Thanks Deida just off to see ..
17 Jun, 2009
Ah hes lovely .... how could you be frightened of him Janette ....
17 Jun, 2009
awwwww lovely little guy
17 Jun, 2009
Big eyes and big ears - beautiful.
17 Jun, 2009
19 Jun, 2009
Nice arent they :)
19 Jun, 2009
~very cute~it's rats I don't like!Some are really big!
19 Jun, 2009
The mice in my garden are like this one..... they run between my patio pots...
21 Jun, 2009
Just so cute...
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks all....he had chopped grapes today !
21 Jun, 2009
What a loveley little creature isn't he/she. Tref
22 Jun, 2009
Aye...and getting spoiled rotten !
24 Jun, 2009
So I guess they're country mice, not city mice, huh? lol Very cute pictures!
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks Raquel......
29 Jun, 2009
Wow, so cute :-))
12 Jul, 2009
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What a little cutie ,mind I would probably be screaming if I came across one lol...
17 Jun, 2009