Wildlife Garden Products
Garden Centre > Outdoor Living > Wildlife Garden
We have found 108 wildlife garden products from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.79 to the most expensive at £109.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Animal Habitats, Bird Baths, Bird Boxes, Bird Feeders, Bird Food, Bird Tables, Insect Boxes, Wildlife Cameras.
Showing 41 to 60 of 108 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Squirrel Proof Peanut FeederGuaranteed squirrel proof peanut feeder. The simple effective mechanism uses gravity to protect ... |
Dual Bird Feeder For Peanuts And SeedMake sure you accommodate the fussy eaters and attract all kinds of birds into the garden with t... |
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50 Choice Fruity Energy BallsFull of energy great for birdsUse all year round in Energy Ball feeder. Good for: Most garden birds. |
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4kg Choice Nyjer SeedProviding a great source of energyUse all year round in Nyjer feeder. Good for: Smaller birds - e... |
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4 Kg Choice Premium Peanut KernelsRich in protein and fatUse in peanut feeder. Good for: Tits, Finches, Woodpeckers, Dunnocks, Star... |
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4kg Choice Sunflower HeartsPacked with nutrition great for birdsUse all year round in seed feeder. Good for: Almost all gard... |
Bird Bistros With Nutrition Bars (Set Of 3)At first glance these bright bird feeders look like nesting boxes, but closer inspection reveals ... |
Pollinating Bee LogHelp ensure you get bumper crops of fruit and vegetables by encouraging pollinating insects usin... |
Nutsafe Peanut FeederBased on the classic design of an old-fashioned parrot cage. The steel bars protects the inner f... |
Heavy Duty Seed FeederThis bite resistant and shatter proof heavy duty feeder is easy to fill and clean. It will enhan... |
Sphere Window Bird FeederBirds and lovers of good design will flock to this award winning bird feeder! Manufactured from ... |
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50 Choice Energy BallsFull of energy great for birdsUse all year round in Energy Ball feeder. Good for: Most garden bir... |
Squirrel Proof Bird Seed FeederA simple but ingenious hanging feeder, which uses gravity to defeat the most determined squirrel.... |
Ladybird TowerFind a sheltered sunny spot for this Ladybird Tower to create a snug haven for over-wintering lad... |
Wicker Hedgehog HouseHandmade from quality willow, this woven hibernation basket has been specifically designed to pr... |
Hanging Bird Feeding StationA complete decorative but very practical hanging bird feeding station with a large 275 x 275mm m... |
Twin Shepherd's HookThis bird feeder hanger is 1.85m tall, which is the ideal height to keep feeders well out of the... |
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0.5kg Choice Dried MealwormsGreat food especially for smaller birdsUse all year round on a bird table or the ground. Good for... |
Ladybird TowerAn ideal gift for any nature-loving gardener. The central softwood trunk has been drilled to giv... |
Blue Tit Terracotta Bird PotDesigned for blue tits, this terracotta bird pot is not only attractive but it make great nestin... |
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