Wildlife Garden Products
Garden Centre > Outdoor Living > Wildlife Garden
We have found 108 wildlife garden products from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.79 to the most expensive at £109.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Animal Habitats, Bird Baths, Bird Boxes, Bird Feeders, Bird Food, Bird Tables, Insect Boxes, Wildlife Cameras.
Showing 101 to 120 of 108 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Apple Peanut FeederA fun and innovative apple-shaped feeder that will help attract all sorts of wild birds to the ... |
Pair Of Ladybird FeedersLadybirds are wonderful, beneficial insects that should be encouraged into the garden. They feed... |
Wool Refill Bird Nesting MaterialWool is often used for nesting by birds in spring, so this refill will ensure they'll have... |
Fat Snax Feeder CageThe Fat Snax feeder cage is a simple durable design. It is made from coated spring steel and is ... |
Feeder 's' HookA very helpful 'S' hook for hanging feeders from tree branches and garden structures. ... |
Flower Peanut FeederThis attractive and colourful, flower peanut feeder is sure to brighten up your garden and keep... |
Fat Bird FeederBUY 2 GET 3RD FREE! Cupcakes for birds! Treat your feathered friends to homemade fat cakes with t... |
Cup Window FeederThis simple little feeder allows you to get up close and personal with the birds. The cup, whic... |
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- Philip
- Flcrazy
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- Diohio
- Diohio
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