Wildlife Garden Products
Garden Centre > Outdoor Living > Wildlife Garden
We have found 108 wildlife garden products from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.79 to the most expensive at £109.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Animal Habitats, Bird Baths, Bird Boxes, Bird Feeders, Bird Food, Bird Tables, Insect Boxes, Wildlife Cameras.
Showing 21 to 40 of 108 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
All In One Feeding StationThis feeding station contains all that you need to create a bird feeding haven (or heaven), as ... |
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All Season Seed Feeder LargeQuality Feeder used all year roundArrives with simple instructions and is easy to assemble and cl... |
Apple / Suet Bird FeederThis attractive apple house is made from wood with a rustic natural bark roof. The stainless st... |
Apple Bird FeederMade from fine English terracotta, this apple-shaped bird feeder can be filled with a variety of ... |
Apple Peanut FeederA fun and innovative apple-shaped feeder that will help attract all sorts of wild birds to the ... |
Autumn And Winter Bird Food Starter Pack2kg Wild Bird Food/1.25kg Black Sunflower Seeds/1kg Peanut granules/1kg Suet pellets with berries... |
Autumn And Winter Mix 2kg Buy 3, Pay For 2!The memories of last winter are still vivid and this blend proved its worth during those long col... |
Bee Nesting Box With Zinc RoofEncouraging Red Mason bees into the garden with a nesting box should help you get bumper crops ... |
Bird Bistros With Nutrition Bars (Set Of 3)At first glance these bright bird feeders look like nesting boxes, but closer inspection reveals ... |
Blue Tit Nesting BoxHomeless birds will think you are the bees knees when they set eyes on this simple but stylish n... |
Blue Tit Terracotta Bird PotDesigned for blue tits, this terracotta bird pot is not only attractive but it make great nestin... |
Bountiful FeederEvery bird lover will appreciate this beautiful willow bird feeder. Complete with a roof to keep ... |
Bumble Bee NestEinstein said that without bees to pollinate our crops we would soon run out of food. It has als... |
Bumble Bee NesterMade from quality larch, this substantial nesting box attracts the queen bees during early spri... |
Butterfly HabitatRemember summer gardens full of butterflies? Help bring back those days by giving them a place to... |
Butterfly Habitat And FeederHelp bring back the butterflies that help to pollinate your plants by giving them a place to feed... |
Circular Feeder Plus 2 Fatbird KitsCircular Hanging Feeder - This beautiful willow bird feeder has six compartments and comes pre-fi... |
Complete Window Feeder For BirdsIf you want a closer look at the birds, then this window feeder is just the ticket. It is design... |
Cup Bird FeedersDesigned for use amidst your garden border plants, these colourful cup feeders not only bring col... |
Cup Bird FeedersDesigned for use amidst your garden border plants, these colourful cup feeders not only bring col... |
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