Wildlife Garden Products
Garden Centre > Outdoor Living > Wildlife Garden
We have found 108 wildlife garden products from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.79 to the most expensive at £109.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Animal Habitats, Bird Baths, Bird Boxes, Bird Feeders, Bird Food, Bird Tables, Insect Boxes, Wildlife Cameras.
Showing 61 to 80 of 108 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Heavy Duty Seed FeederThis bite resistant and shatter proof heavy duty feeder is easy to fill and clean. It will enhan... |
Heavy Duty Suet Feast Feeder ChromeThis is a heavy duty feeder that has a simple yet stylish design. It has a shiny chrome lid that... |
Hedgehog HouseHedgehogs will eat almost anything they come across in the garden, though they prefer beetles, w... |
Hedgehog HouseThese prickly little characters are a gardeners best friend, keeping the insect population under ... |
Insect Conservation Study CentreThe Rolls Royce of insect houses! Not only will this be a striking addition to any garden but ... |
Lacewing BoxMade from timber from sustainable surces, this lacewing chamber includes attractant and fittings... |
Lacewing ChamberThis natural habitat made from chunky FSC Certified Timber and natural log is an ideal habitat f... |
Ladybird HotelEncourage aphid-eating ladybirds to set up home in your garden by providing the perfect place fo... |
Ladybird TowerFind a sheltered sunny spot for this Ladybird Tower to create a snug haven for over-wintering lad... |
Ladybird TowerAn ideal gift for any nature-loving gardener. The central softwood trunk has been drilled to giv... |
Mealworm FeederMealworm feeder for feeding fresh & dried mealworms and many other feeds. The moveable clear... |
Mesh Ground Feeder TrayIdeal for feeding the ground feeding birds. Made from a rigid metal, free draining micro mesh t... |
Multi Bird FeederA versatile bird feeder, made from tough clear polycarbonate, with two easily fitted perches and ... |
Multi Purpose Nesting BoxGive breeding birds a helping hand and with this easy to install nesting box. Perfect for tits, s... |
Niger Seed Buy 3, Pay For 2!A superb seed, easily digestible and high in oils, protein and energy. Goldfinches adore this see... |
No Mess Bird Seed MixAttract a range of birds to your garden with this high energy seed mix. This bird seed is husk ... |
Nutsafe Peanut FeederBased on the classic design of an old-fashioned parrot cage. The steel bars protects the inner f... |
Pair Of Ladybird FeedersLadybirds are wonderful, beneficial insects that should be encouraged into the garden. They feed... |
Peanuts 2kg Buy 3, Pay For 2!This premium peanut has been chosen for its higher oil content and high calorific value. All the ... |
Pollinating Bee LogHelp ensure you get bumper crops of fruit and vegetables by encouraging pollinating insects usin... |
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