Wildlife Garden Products
Garden Centre > Outdoor Living > Wildlife Garden
We have found 108 wildlife garden products from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.79 to the most expensive at £109.99.
You can narrow your choice by - Animal Habitats, Bird Baths, Bird Boxes, Bird Feeders, Bird Food, Bird Tables, Insect Boxes, Wildlife Cameras.
Showing 81 to 100 of 108 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Robin And Songbird Mix 2kg Buy 3, Pay For 2!Although specifically created for Robins this mix can also be fed as an all year round energy fee... |
Sanctuary For Ground Feeding BirdsBirds like robins, wrens, great tits, goldfinches, dunnocks and tree sparrows, like to feed on t... |
Self Assembly Bird TableThis bird table design has been around for ever and must have been a favoured pit stop for milli... |
Silver Birch Log Robin BoxThis is an attractive natural Silver birch log nest box with open front. It is rebuilt to preve... |
Solitary Beehive HabitatThis unique solitary beehive is designed specifically to attract non-swarming bees like the Red ... |
Sparrow FlatsEncourage sparrows to set up home in your garden with this unusual triple nesting box. Made from... |
Sphere Window Bird FeederBirds and lovers of good design will flock to this award winning bird feeder! Manufactured from ... |
Spring And Summer Mix Buy 3, Pay For 2!This husk-free feed combines the high energy ingredients essential for hard working adult birds w... |
Squirrel BusterAn ingenious bird feeder which uses patented, proven technology to stop thieving squirrels in the... |
Squirrel Buster Peanut FeederAn ingenious bird feeder which uses patented, proven technology to stop thieving squirrels in the... |
Squirrel Proof Bird Seed FeederA simple but ingenious hanging feeder, which uses gravity to defeat the most determined squirrel.... |
Squirrel Proof Peanut FeederGuaranteed squirrel proof peanut feeder. The simple effective mechanism uses gravity to protect ... |
Squirrel Proof Seed FeederKeep those robbing squirrels out with the squirrel proof seed feeder. As the squirrel climbs on... |
Suet Pellets 1kg Buy 3, Pay For 2!Suet pellets are an excellent nutritious bird food. Very high in fats and calories that the birds... |
Suet Pellets With Berries 1kg Buy 3, Pay For 2!Pellets with berries provide additional vitamin C which aids tissue growth, adrenal gland functio... |
Sunflower HeartsThe Sunflower Seed with its 'seed coat' or 'husk' removed, provides total nu... |
Sunflower Hearts Buy 3, Pay For 2!These are high grade kernels produced from black sunflower seeds. This means they are from the su... |
The Big Bug And Bee BiomeHelp your garden wildlife even further by providing them with a purpose-built, multi-chambered, m... |
Toast Holder For Feeding BirdsBread does not contain all the necessary proteins and fats that birds need for a well balanced d... |
Tom Chambers Fat Ball StationThe Tom Chambers Fat Ball Station has a copper finish. It includes a fat ball holder, 2 brackets ... |
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