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Garden Centre > Plants > Shrubs

We have found 4338 shrubs from 8 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £359.99.

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Showing 1621 to 1640 of 4338 Order by: price ↓ | price &uarr | a-z | best selling

VIBURNUM odoratissimum 'Emerald Lustre'

Viburnum Odoratissimum 'Emerald Lustre'

lustrous green leaves with new shoots tinged pink

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HYDRANGEA paniculata 'Tardiva'

Hydrangea Paniculata 'Tardiva'

dainty flowers in ray-shaped florets, short stiff erect branches, later flowering

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HYDRANGEA paniculata 'Unique'

Hydrangea Paniculata 'Unique'

similar to 'Grandiflora' but with even larger flowerheads

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Osmanthus delavayi

Osmanthus Delavayi

Dense clusters of highly fragrant, tubular white flowers drip from the arching stems of this sple...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Buddleja 'Argus Velvet'

Buddleja 'Argus Velvet'

Buddleja 'Argus Velvet' is a charming deciduous shrub that produces elegant, arching panicles of ...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Callicarpa kwangtungensis

Callicarpa Kwangtungensis

Callicarpa kwangtungensis produces clumps of soft pink flowers from July onwards, followed in aut...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Physocarpus opulifolius 'Angel Gold'

Physocarpus Opulifolius 'Angel Gold'

Lime green leaves growing from pink stems definitely add a vibrant splash of colour to any part o...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Magnolia 'Fairy Cream'

Magnolia 'Fairy Cream'

Here's an exciting new magnolia. Unlike many other spring-flowering varieties, its lovely fragran...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Spiraea japonica 'Magic Carpet'

Spiraea Japonica 'Magic Carpet'

Loved by gardeners across the UK for its striking foliage, Spiraea 'Magic Carpet' is the deserved...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Sorbaria sorbifolia 'Sem'

Sorbaria Sorbifolia 'sem'

Sorbaria 'Sem' is a compact shrub that looks superb in the middle of borders or in a large pot on...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Leycesteria formosa 'Golden Lanterns'

Leycesteria Formosa 'Golden Lanterns'

Leycesteria is an easy to grow deciduous shrub, which is hardy and quick-growing. The arching ste...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo'

Cornus Alba 'Ivory Halo'

Cornus alba 'Ivory Halo' is a Dogwood shrub that has the renowned red stems in winter, that contr...

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Thompson & Morgan

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CORTADERIA selloana 'Gold Band'

Cortaderia Selloana 'Gold Band'

(AM form) yellow variegated leaves

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TIBOUCHINA urvilleana

Tibouchina Urvilleana

very large bluish purple flowers. A more compact habit than T. semi-decandra but pruning will be ...

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ABUTILON vitifolium

Abutilon Vitifolium

saucer-shaped pale to deep mauve flowers. Needs sun and shelter

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ABUTILON x suntense

Abutilon X Suntense

dark mauve flowers to blue

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ARALIA elata

Aralia Elata

an architechural plant with white flowers and spiny erect stems

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CHAENOMELES speciosa 'Geisha Girl'

Chaenomeles Speciosa 'Geisha Girl'

peach apricot flowers, ideal for training up a wall

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CHAENOMELES x superba 'Jet Trail'

Chaenomeles X Superba 'Jet Trail'

large white flowers with a dwarf trailing habit. Ideal as ground cover

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CHAENOMELES x superba 'Nicoline'



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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our pages on border ideas, flowering shrubs, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs, and shrubs.

  • A garden flower photo
  • back border
  • Summer Border
  • View of the back garden June 08
  • Upper border 31 May

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