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Trees & Hedging Plants

Garden Centre > Plants > Trees & Hedging

We have found 1151 trees & hedging plants from 6 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.00 to the most expensive at £4,737.99.

Our guide on Trees may be worth a visit if you need some help deciding.

Showing 761 to 780 of 1151 Order by: price &darr | price ↑ | a-z | best selling

Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku'

Acer Palmatum 'sango Kaku'

Coral bark Maple (Acer palmatun 'Sango-Kaku') Available within 2 weeks More erect habit, young sh...

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Best 4 Plants

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Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon' (sweet gum)

Liquidambar Styraciflua 'Worplesdon' (Sweet Gum)

Position: sun <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained, acidic to neutral soil <br/> Rate of growth: fairl...

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Acer davidii (snake bark maple)

Acer Davidii (Snake Bark Maple)

Position: full sun or partial shade <br/> Soil: fertile, moisture-retentive soil <br/> Rate of gr...

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MAGNOLIA virginiana

Magnolia Virginiana

fragrant creamy-white flowers and distinctive leaves which are blue-white underneath

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CHAMAECYPARIS lawsoniana 'Van Pelts Blue'



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ACER maximowiczianum

Acer Maximowiczianum

<i>(A. nikoense) </i> - hairy trifoliate leaves which turn a striking orange in the autumn

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Cladrastis Sinensis

beautiful and showstopping tree with large panicles of pink-tinged white flowers in July

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KALOPANAX septemlobus

Kalopanax Septemlobus

<i>(Pictus)</i> - an architechural tree with broad sycamore-like leaves but with stout prickles a...

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MAGNOLIA officinalis

Magnolia Officinalis

fragrant white saucer-shaped flowers at the end of leafy new growths in early summer

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Nothofagus Dombeyi

columnar habit, dark green leaves and shoots which are pendulous at the tips

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STEWARTIA rostrata

Stewartia Rostrata

shallowly furrowed bark which peels in maturity. Flowers camellia pink at first fading later to n...

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Quercus Suber

bark becomes thick and corky in maturity

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Patio Cherry & Plum Trees 9cm Pot
Free delivery

Patio Cherry & Plum Trees 9cm Pot

Delightful Summer Fruits Cherry Helena:Produces and abundance of sweet tasting cherries. Plum Bla...

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Jersey Plants Direct

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Hypericum calycinum

Hypericum Calycinum

Hypericum calycinum is a low-growing, ground-covering shrub needing virtually no maintenance. Als...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Ramanas Rose (Hedging)

Ramanas Rose (Hedging)

Ramanas Rose makes a real beauty of a hedge, with leaves of bright green and masses of sweetly sc...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Skimmia japonica 'Rubella'

Skimmia Japonica 'Rubella'

Perfect for giving all-year interest in a shady spot in the garden, Skimmia japonica 'Rubella' ma...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Thujopsis dolabrata 'Variegata'

Thujopsis Dolabrata 'Variegata'

Thujopsis dolabrata´Variegata' is a hard-to-find variegated form of Thujopsis which provides a su...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Griselinia littoralis (Hedging)

Griselinia Littoralis (Hedging)

Fast growing and evergreen, the New Zealand Broadleaf is an ideal hedging plant. Its oval shaped ...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Euonymus fortunei 'Blondy'

Euonymus Fortunei 'Blondy'

Euonymus fortunei 'Blondy' is an attractive and low maintenance, compact, evergreen shrub for sma...

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Thompson & Morgan

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Catalpa bignonioides 'Aurea' (Indian bean tree)

Catalpa Bignonioides 'Aurea' (Indian Bean Tree)

Position: full sun, sheltered from strong winds <br/> Soil: moist, well-drained soil <br/> Rate o...

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Not quite sure? Need some inspiration?

For inspiration from real gardens, take a look at our pages on trees, and hedge plants.

  • Prunus incisa - Snow showers (Prunus incisa)
  • Sunset behind the Poplar
  • From tiny acorns mighty oak trees grow
  • Donadea Forest
  • Strange Sky - My garden at 3.30pm today.
  • Cherry blossom lined path

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