Buy Seeds And Bulbs In The Lathyrus Genus
Buy Seeds And Bulbs In The Lathyrus Genus
We have found 95 seeds and bulbs belonging to the lathyrus genus from 3 retailers ranging in price from the cheapest at £1.49 to the most expensive at £14.99.
Currently viewing genus Lathyrus (Show all)
Showing 61 to 80 of 95 Order by: price ↓ | price ↑ | a-z | best selling
Sunset Sweet Pea SeedsAwarded the coveted RHS Award of garden Merit to S E Marshall and Co in 2002. Sunset produces bea... |
Sweet Pea Pocket GardenWidely loved for their colourful, pea-like flowers, this is a compact, non-climbing sweetpea that... |
Sweet Pea Flower Arrangers Seed BlendThis Sweet Pea mixture contains pastel picotees and stripes. All varieties in this mix are strong... |
Sweet Pea Incense Mixed SeedsIncense has the most powerful and alluring fragrance!A superb selection of the most fragrant cutt... |
Sweet Pea New Horizons Mix SeedProbably the most comprehensive range of colours, patterns and flowering times ever put together ... |
Sweet Pea New Horizons Mix SeedProbably the most comprehensive range of colours, patterns and flowering times ever put together ... |
Sweet Pea Old Fashioned Mixed SeedsThese are the 'grandiflora' sweet peas so popular in Victorian times. They are smaller flowered t... |
Sweet Pea Patio Mixed SeedsSo dwarf and bushy that you can grow them in pots! Use Sweet Pea Patio Mixed for window boxes pat... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Albutt BlueElegant and unusual pale-lavender-blue flowers on a white background, very strong scent and long ... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Bounce MixUnlike most sweet peas these are much bushier, sturdier plants with shorter but stronger flowerin... |
Sweet Pea Seeds CupaniIntroduced to Britain in 1699 by a monk: Brother Cupani. Bicoloured flowers, maroon upper petals ... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Everlasting MixA beautiful, easy to grow climber producing masses of small, pea-like flowers in shades of red, r... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Exhibitors CollectionFive first-class varieties namely: Air Warden (red), Beaujolais (deep red), Mrs R Bolton (pink), ... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Fragrant SkiesAn attractive Spencer Sweet Pea with large, highly scented, with blooms in shades of blue mixture... |
Sweet Pea Seeds GoldmineThe enchanting little blooms of this adorable perennial sweet pea are a spectacular combination o... |
Sweet Pea Seeds High ScentOne of the most beautifully scented sweet peas available! Attractive blush pink flowers with a de... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Jet Set MixShades of scarlet, crimson, blue, salmon, cerise and mauve. Four or five large flowers on long st... |
Sweet Pea Seeds JuanitaA beautiful mixture of traditional small/medium flowered heirloom sweet peas. Beautifully scented... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Melody MixA superb, re-selected bicolour mixture, containing larger flowers than many other bicolours; and ... |
Sweet Pea Seeds Mrs R BoltonDeep almond-blossom pink. Ideal for cut flowers or garden decoration. HA - Hardy annual. Height 1... |
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