cherry tree
By sonny
is there any way i can save the cherry tree, is there any thing i can do please ,sonny.
30 Sep, 2008
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This is a comment which Bonkersbon wrote under one of Sonny's photos of the tree. It gives lots of useful advice.
"That looks like canker - nasty. Are leaves dying back? if so they do not drop but remain dead on branches. Difficult to treat affected areas must be cut out and cuts sealed with tree paint. removed branches should be burnt to prevent cross infection.
Whole tree should then be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture."
But please can someone maybe explain this in more detail for Sonny. Thank you.
1 Oct, 2008
Ok TT I ll give it another go.
Firstly Sonny you need to check wether there are any branches free from disease.As you have described affected branches have dead leaves remaining on them with holes in.
If whole tree like this then sorry this too late tree should be felled and burnt.Do not shred as infection can be transferred.
If there are healthy branches then only remove affected ones flush with trunk.Then seal cuts with tree paint - sticky tar like sustance with brush in lid - this seals against further infection. You may notice branches only affected at tips these can be cut in half and sealed.
Bordeaux mixture is sold in powder form and mixed with water.amount to use on pack .Then applied using a pump spray giving the whole tree a thorough soaking.repeat application 2 weeks later.Please note any equipment such as pruning saws to cut branches must never be used on another tree and best discarded after use.
Tree paint and Bordeaux mixture available at larger garden centres. Hope this helps even this treatment no guarantee but only chance to save.
1 Oct, 2008
1 Oct, 2008
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- to everbody
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Sonny has uploaded three photos of this tree.
These may help GoY members give more advice to Sonny.
1 Oct, 2008