Ready, Steady, GO!
1 comment
Done! The Garlic is in and the wait is OVER… well, the first wait anyway! It’s March before I plant the next thing but plenty to do before then: weeding, umm weeding and ummm well, not really THAT much to do. At least i’m over the starting line now. I hope the garlic is fine, some of the cloves were already germinating when I planted them (yesterday). All of them came from the same bulb execpt 1 clove which is a different variaty altogther! That will be interesting. March is going to be busy; carrots, mangetout and spinach to plant.
I will post then.
25 Jan, 2010
Previous post: Garlic Planting
Recent posts by spottyelephant
- Garlic Planting
19 Jan, 2010
- Ready, Steady, but not quite Go!
9 Dec, 2009
I have lots of weeds growing although it has been so cold. Shepherd's purse mainly. I hope we have a nice spring so that we can get some things done.
25 Jan, 2010