By stickitoffee
Its dull and miserable here today so I thought i would look up the photos of a place that makes me feel better ~ this is a beach on Harris, on the Outer Hebrides. Does anyone else have places that make them feel better? Maybe we could collect them together and make a wonderful list of places to visit?
2 Nov, 2010
Previous post: golden colour
Next post: what season is it?
sounds good idea for a holiday to me! does it have nice beaches?
2 Nov, 2010
I'd love a holiday in B.C. and visiting family/friends. I am not sure how to post photos to attach to your blog, Sticki, but I'll do a blog on my own page, just for the fun of the memories :)
We've been discussing going away for a few days but it now looks like it will be spring before we actually do it!
I very much like your photo Sticki (water/beach is always a winner with me)...and Pam, Scotland was my first choice had we been going away.
2 Nov, 2010
yes sorry i forgot that we couldnt add photos to a blog but we can just make a list
i think its the colours of the water that i love ~ i took literally thousands of photos and none of them quite do it justice!
2 Nov, 2010
Well my plan is scarpered as I can't seem to get my selected photos to appear as I browse while writing my blog! I still haven't cracked this! I'll do a blog once I figure it all (i.e. don't hold your breath!!)....
2 Nov, 2010
you have to find your photos and then there is a little button at the bottom which says include or add photos ~ you cant see it until you scroll down
2 Nov, 2010
My problem is with my own files of photos....can't seem to get them to show up (they are older photos) so will have to see if my daughter can help me out...she's gonna love me asking her yet more questions about computer technology! I just have to keep smilin' and telling her how much she's loved :)
2 Nov, 2010
my photo's are never there when i press 'browse' Whiston.
I love to watch the sea, its never the same whenever I look something has changed, the colours ,if the tide is coming in or out-- even the sand moves so that the rocks are sometimes exposed and sometimes buried, even the birdlife changes with the terns and gulls,gannets and cormorants, one magical morning I watched the sun rise all yellow and gold and listened to the curlews come awake
truly 'time out'
2 Nov, 2010
oooh ~ sounds so lovely! i was nearly there then!
2 Nov, 2010
'tis Sticki even when its pouring and blowing a gale!
2 Nov, 2010
yes i know what you mean ~ that beach on Harris was just the same ~ in a high wind and some rain i still couldnt leave! its so fresh and pure!
2 Nov, 2010
I could do with just such an 'escape'....the seaside sounds so inviting :) Pam, you described it so well too.
I spent a lot of my growing up years living on a small island in B.C. and so naturally we were surrounded by seashore. It was amazing to observe the changes and to swim from the docks and beaches. Oh memories........
2 Nov, 2010
maybe you could tell us more Whiston, what it was like to live there as a child?
2 Nov, 2010
Would I get away with it? It wouldn't be much about flowers/gardens etc. It would have to be in the "other" category! I'd love to share about my memories of life on the Island....nice suggestion, Pam.
2 Nov, 2010
i always love to know about life on an island ~ any island! and im sure there were a few plants, trees and wildlife you could mention along the way?
2 Nov, 2010
I'll see what I can do Sticki...I could start with 1 blog and see where I go from there! My mom's side of the family have quite a history on the island.
2 Nov, 2010
More please Wlass, I find it fascinating to hear about others family, you never know who is connected to who if you know what I mean.
2 Nov, 2010
OH ! I love that. It would certainly make me feel better to visit there. I love the sea anyway, especially when it's rough lol :o)
3 Nov, 2010
It has an excitement doesn't it Hywel-- I find standing in brilliant sunshine with the wind blowing so hard off the sea you can hardly stand and the waves rush in and break at your feet so strongly you can taste the spray.
but then there are the days when the waves break so softly you can hear the birds for miles ---
must be because we're an Island nation with seawater ' in our veins' :0)
3 Nov, 2010
i agree pam ~ but i couldnt put it as poetically as you. i like it even when the sun isnt out ~ its raw and powerful.
3 Nov, 2010
Hi Sticki-- it was sunny when I got up but cold, wet & windy now-- now why wouldn't I mind if it was 'seaspray':o))
3 Nov, 2010
funny that! its the same here ~ i think its cos the sea is always changing but is amazing whichever way you look at it but i have to confess i think its at its best with sun, wind, deep blue sky and a clean beach with huge waves.
its mesmerising!
dull drizzly and damp is not the same!!!
3 Nov, 2010
true! then is anything,-- today just got worse really with drizzly, mizzly rain and now its dark :((
we've got friends coming for bonfire night-- have you seen the forecast!
3 Nov, 2010
It looks like rain, rain and more rain, Pam. It's not been very nice here today either.....but the getting dark by 5pm is what really doesn't turn my crank! I need light and sunshine :)
3 Nov, 2010
indoor fireworks and sausages pam?
3 Nov, 2010
yes Sticki-- well the pumpkin soup sausages and ( with the help of the breadmaker) homemade rolls too AND
stickytoffeeapplepudding --- you can have the recipe if you like!!
3 Nov, 2010
oooh yes please pam
we will be in trouble for mentioning a bread maker again
sounds very nice ~ im sure your friends will be quite happy
have you got a light to show up the garden for the evening?
3 Nov, 2010
yes, we havn't streetlights here so have our own
i'll sort the recipe for you-- might be tomorrow afternoon--
I'll need it for friday anyway!
3 Nov, 2010
thats great ~ thanks pam
have a good evening
3 Nov, 2010
Oooh Pam.....if you've got a recipe for sticky toffee pudding...please can I have a copy too? I hate to admit to this but I have been know to go all the way to Kirkby-Lonsdale to a tea shop to get a good sticky toffee pudding!!! It was the first place I ever tasted it and I've even introduced a few friends to the experience too :)
I've never been sure how to go about making it....they serve it with pouring custard too....(I don't even think about how many calories I consume...only get there every couple of years!)....
3 Nov, 2010
now you've made me hungry whistonlass. first place i ever ate it was the lake district, in a little restaurant/cafe. its now synonymous with the lakes ~ didnt know at the time thats where it originated from. ate one the other day made by the supermarket i work for ~ very nice, love that sticky toffee sauce! wish i had invented it!!
4 Nov, 2010
I am naughty, Sticki...sorry to make you
4 Nov, 2010
this is a bit different Whiston
Sticky Toffee Apple Pudding
4 tablespoon golden syrup
125g plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
150g soft brown sugar
4 apples ( or pears) peeled, cored & sliced
125g sugar
200ml milk
75g butter/marg
heat oven to 180degc
put prepared fruit at base of buttered dish ( reasonably large)
In a bowl putflour, baking powder,white sugar, milk butter & egg
whisk well and pour over fruit
In a saucepan put brown sugar and golden syrup
ADD 250ML Cold Water
bring to boil stirring to dissolve sugars
pour over the pudding mixture in the dish
Dont Panic--It looks very wet and loose but it makes a caramel sauce around the pudding-thats why you need a dish large enough, If some syrup is left don't try to make it go in just use what you can then boil the rest to a syrup and use to serve extra sauce
bake 35-40 minutes until set
serve warm with icecream
4 Nov, 2010
that is fabulous ~ thank you so much ~ it sounds really lovely!
how can i thank you?
4 Nov, 2010
make it and hopefully enjoy it my friend! :0))
4 Nov, 2010
dont worry i will!
just made chillle con carne ~ new recipe for me ~ it was seriously good!
4 Nov, 2010
I'll give that a go, Pam. It does sound very tasty :) Thank you for posting the recipe.
4 Nov, 2010
I'm going to try doubling up the recipe tonight-- theres 7 of us and it ran out last time.....
hope it a dry night !!
5 Nov, 2010
Gee, if I put my skates on, Pam...I could just about make it for party
Have a great evening and enjoy the dessert :)
5 Nov, 2010
Thanks Whiston--just making a start and at the moment weather is fine.......
5 Nov, 2010
Lovely photo wish I was there now ! Pamq are they cooking apples in your recipe as I have some and thought I might make it tonight have family for fireworks?
5 Nov, 2010
thanks nana ~ yes i wish that too but i rather think it would be blowing a gale ~ no doubt that would be well worht seeing ~ preferably from a cosy room!
what a lovely thought ~ fireworks and sticky apple toffee pud!
5 Nov, 2010
anywhere by the sea is good for me , and my dogs. I like to have a fishing rod with me.
5 Nov, 2010
never been fishing! im not very good at sitting still! only time i sit still is with a computer in front of me!
i like reading but usually read in bed
5 Nov, 2010
Yes Nana--- and I can report it went very well! --the rain poured down the fire burnt-- wonderfly well--we rely on other folks fireworks but were a ' bit of a damp squib-- we're on a hill and usually they're going off around us but this timeyou could hear the whiz bangs but didn't see much-- never mind we put the gazebo up and lit the barbie!!-- it was quie warm rain!
Nana the sponge mix is quite liquid and then the other syrup looks totally wrong but carry on but don't overfill the dish with the caramel as it can boil out, leave itin the saucepan and boil it up and use it as extra sauce--- should be drier tonight ;o))
6 Nov, 2010
To be honest I donĀ“t have to go far to a place that makes me feel happy...even in this autumn weather..rain.I just go down to my datcha...about 5 mins from here and I am in a different world...there I can just "switch off" from daily life.
6 Nov, 2010
how lovely, thats what we all need! my sister has an allotment and loves it ~ always there when not working ~ its immaculate!
6 Nov, 2010
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I go to south scotland ( facing the isle of man) and that does it for me-- we have to switch to ' scottish time' and Slow Down!!
2 Nov, 2010