Rh. Cosmopolitan..
By surreylad
After two long years of care for this very sick plant it is slowly showing it’s thanks…..
when i first got this it was bare stemmed and almost dead, but it goes to show that for £1 and some patience and care you can get some rewards….
Bud Burst, from my back door this really stood out…
Slowly more and more….
Now it’s just teasing :-)
Hey did i say to could photo me!!!
Oh go on then if you insist….
do you like…
there you go i’m almost done….
Ta Da thanks for saving me dad…..
this is one of the reasons i love gardening, to see the best that nature can give, and if we give a little time and care we can enjoy nature more…
Thanks for taking the time to look :-)
14 Apr, 2012
Previous post: Sempervivums
Next post: raindrops are falling on my plants :-)
Its good to see your patience has been rewarded.
14 Apr, 2012
thanks Sticki, i was trying time lapse with this a little while ago but i couldn't quite get the same place each time, but i did end up with these pics... :-))
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks Poppy :-)
14 Apr, 2012
Well that was worth waiting for, its a gorgeous colour and certainly looks well cared for now.....
14 Apr, 2012
Very pretty Surreylad.
14 Apr, 2012
what an excellent Dr you are S/L your plant looks so healthy, anything you can do for my legs by any chance, Lol
14 Apr, 2012
Excellent series of pics there Surreylad and well done on saving your plant!
14 Apr, 2012
Excellent Surreylad!!!! Always nice to see
14 Apr, 2012
well done you, did you take a picture when you first got it? That would be nice to see too.
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks Lincslass,Popedot,Sheilar and Paul :-)
Lol Yorkshire only a plant doctor :-)
Thanks SBG i didn't think of that, i'll see if i have somewhere :-)
14 Apr, 2012
Congratulation to your success. I pay so much attention and fertilizers and exchanges of soil to one of my rhododendrons (Lord Roberts) and it is still just with few yelow brown leaves and annually just one big flower. That´s hs thanks :)
By the way, this rhododendrone seems to me like Nova Zembla, but maybe they are just similar. How high is this, please?
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks Kat, that Rh.Lord Roberts is a lovely one too, this one here is 1 metre by 1 metre but can get to 2-3 metres tall, but i'll keep it around 2 mtrs tops...
14 Apr, 2012
Just looked up that Nova Zembia and it is very similar :-)
14 Apr, 2012
Will it grow so high, are you sure, SL, lol. You know, the problem is, that many rhododendrons have on labels that they will reach height around 2 metres, but I have never seen so high rhododendrone. Only in the mountains, where they were planted 100 years ago or so. I bought today "Albert Schweitzer" rhododendrone, for which I was looking for several years. The label notoriously claims the rh. will reach 2 metres. We will see :)
14 Apr, 2012
Lol i know what you mean Kat but my dad specialised in Rhodies and Azalea's some in the park did reach 2 metres but it did take time....yes that Rh.Albert Schweitzer is a lovely pinky one... my fav is Rh.Luteum or Rh. northern hi lights..
14 Apr, 2012
That looks great,S.lad..pleased you took pics of all it's stages..and I'm sure it will reward you in years to come,from all your TLC..:o)
14 Apr, 2012
I have Rh. luteum, it grows veeeeeeeeeeeery slowly, but no diseases.
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks Bloomer :-))
I love the scent Kat, Northern hi-lights is similar but darker yellow and markings and a stronger scent :-)
my luteum i've had for 3 years and it's grown 8 - 10 inches
14 Apr, 2012
A very good investment.........:)
14 Apr, 2012
Aw how lovely..glad you nurtured it back to life again :)
15 Apr, 2012
Thanks Niverdeen :-)
Thanks Pixi :-)
15 Apr, 2012
Wonderful. You've definately got green fingers :o)
15 Apr, 2012
Well done ...
Well nurtured ... Well photographed :o)
15 Apr, 2012
Lol Thanks Hywel :-)
Thanks Terra :-)
15 Apr, 2012
well it was worth a try S/L
15 Apr, 2012
it was thanks Yorkshire :-)
15 Apr, 2012
I am sometimes suspicious if you do not work in film studios, SL :). Because you know so many tricks, like film maker. This - when I roll with mouse down these pictures it seems as if the flower was opening and also that with reflection of garden in your eye.
Very skilled man - you are.
15 Apr, 2012
Lol thanks Kat, not i just like to experiment and try out new things, these i did a time lapse and i had loads of pics spare...
15 Apr, 2012
:) Still, it is original.
15 Apr, 2012
Thanks :-)
15 Apr, 2012
Thanks Hb :-)
19 Apr, 2012
That's a stunner Surreylad!
30 Apr, 2012
Thanks Meanie...
30 Apr, 2012
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that is lovely, bit like watching time lapse photography if you scroll down at the right speed!
lovely plant
14 Apr, 2012