Hydrangea - never bloomed in 8 years
By susie40
I have big gorgeous hydrangea plants which never bloomed until this year. They are the blue / pink variety and I don’t usually cut them back. I added some hydrangea food this year and have a few sparse blooms (I threatened them – I was going to dig them up and give them to my sister with a green thumb this year if they didn’t bloom!). I am thrilled to see even a few blooms – they are beautiful! What do I do now – when do I cut them back, how far, when do I feed them….I am pretty new at gardening overall. Thanks!
31 Jul, 2008
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Kev - I am surprised that you say don't cut Hydrangeas back. We did ours each year at our previous house and they were all the better for it - in fact, there was one right in front of the window and when we sold the house, my husband decided it had to go to show off the frontage - he cut it right down, but it shot back up and has more flowers on it than ever! Yes, we left the old flower heads on until spring to protect the buds from frost. I agree there!
31 Jul, 2008
Hello Susie
never ever cut them back...youll do more damage than good............obviously if they become overgrown and unsightly you can trim them back but be careful not to remove any old wood...any deadheads can be removed in spring by whick time they should have dried out completely..
Hope this helps
Best Wishes
31 Jul, 2008