Tigerlilly182's Profile

About me
I live in Manchester UK so outdoor gardening is reduced to petunias and uninteresting flowering annuals until I gather my shrubs and vines to make it a fully blooming garden, basically it must all be frost hardy and quite happy to be drowned by rain... the joys. My indoor green finger can turn to more adventurous things using my constantly toasty bedroom fantasticly lit windowsil and endless propogators and patience. I'v got two tropicals, an Aristolocheia (dutchman's pipe) propogated from seed in my steamy main propogator which is now about 7cm's tall with two main leaves three infants and a little newborn leaf discovered this morning, and my Australian Firewheel tree grown again from seed in the same place, which has two main leaves and a little infant on the edge and I believe its expecting a new leaf. I know, I love my plants a little too much. I'm a fan of Amaryliss and my favourite flower is the Hibiscus.
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Joined in Mar 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Cheshire