Broken, but back.
By tugbrethil
Last Monday, I fell and broke both wrists. I had surgery Tuesday, but today is the first day that I managed to open the laptop. I’m two-fingering the keyboard from an awkward angle, so any contributions from me are likely to be minimalist, for a while. Glad to see how you and your gardens are doing, again. Healing slowly, but surely, so more news anon.
1 Apr, 2018
That's terrible :( It must be very awkward for you to do things. I hope it won't be too long before you can use your hands again.
1 Apr, 2018
How awful, life must be so difficult get better soon xx.
1 Apr, 2018
I know one is bad, two must be terrible. Hope you get better soon.
1 Apr, 2018
Get well soon ...
1 Apr, 2018
I was wondering where you were. Sorry about the accident. It happened to me too on my skateboard years ago, but that was just my right arm in a plaster cast for 3 months - so not fun. Get well soon.
1 Apr, 2018
Oh dear, how horrendous, get well soon
1 Apr, 2018
Both wrists - that's overkill Tug! Sending you heaps of sympathy. Look after yourself - no overdoing things...
1 Apr, 2018
What’s important is that your spirit remains unbroken from what I can see. You have my Very Best Regards Tug.
1 Apr, 2018
It's a deal of problem solving to figure out how to do things, I'll tell you! My sister tells me to just stop my fall with ONE arm, next time. My co-worker tells me to "tuck and roll"--wouldn't have helped, going up the stairs! Staying active enough to promote healing, and avoiding overdoing it is a balancing act, Stera--hope I can do better at it than my last test of balance! I am following all of the doctors' and therapists' instructions, though. Thank you all for your concern and best wishes!
1 Apr, 2018
I am so sorry about your fall and to do both wrists! Glad that you are starting to mend. Take care and look after yourself.
2 Apr, 2018
I have broken both wrists twice, but seperately !
They ache a bit for years afterwards depends on the weather. Always keep a sling handy, one may be weaker than the other.
Its a sign to slow down !
Adcal D3 Calcium strengthens them, just remember to take them twice daily. Have been doing that for 6 years.
Good luck Tug.
2 Apr, 2018
Awch! I winced when I read your post. How on earth are you managing? I do hope you have help.
As you can see from the above postings we are all rooting for you. Be sensible: accept help and don't over do things.
2 Apr, 2018
Oh heck Tug I do feel for you, as said one would be bad enough, hope you are not in too much pain and wishing you a full and speedy recovery...
4 Apr, 2018
Just read about your accident. Hope things are improving for you do take care.kind regards from South Wales UK
27 May, 2018
God's grace, I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would, when it happened. Still sore, still a little short of mobility and strength, but mostly functional. The chief occupational therapist says that I am doing amazingly well "for someone who has -------- up his wrists as well as you have!" :)
28 May, 2018
Eat lots of vitamin K -leafy greens. Vital for bone repair.
28 May, 2018
If you are on an anticoagulant to prevent clotting just be sure that you are knowledgeable as to how much Vit K you are consuming so that you don’t overdo it’s ingestion. The reason for this is that Vit K can promote clotting and lessen the effectiveness of anticoagulants. If you are not on this medication then munch a bunch.
29 May, 2018
No anticoagulants, Loosestrife, so it's the Peter Rabbit diet for me! Good thing that I actually like veggies. >:3
30 May, 2018
oh you poor thing. at least you will start to heal and your wrists will gain full mobility now they have been realigned.
speedy recovery is the order of the day.
1 Apr, 2018