Virtually the first season
By varallo
The allotment (abt 400 sqmts cultivated) I inherited late last year is now at the beginning of its first full season.
Plants planted last year and coming on well are:-
Goosberries, Red Currents, Black Currants,4 Kiwi plants. and a good chunk of Garlic.
All of these are sprouting away fine.
I planted some climbing roses (4) a month ago and they are having a tough time with this long cold winter as the temp these mornings is still around 3°C although it warms up to 20°C when there is sun.
I have just planted about 240 seed potatoes – some earlies some semi and some maincrop – some originatin from France and some from Scotland (Just in time for the waning moon)
The seeds I have ready will probably be sown next week hoping for better weather.
I have a question !
I had a bonfire in the autumn and burnt a lot of twigs cut from bushes and trees and the ash sat over winter. I have now dug it all over but there is a lot of wood ash mixed with the earth which I gather will make it very alkaline. What should I do and/or plant ??? I welcome suggestions
14 Apr, 2010
Welcome Varallo.
14 Apr, 2010
Welcome from me too,Varello.....
14 Apr, 2010
Welcome to GoY. Good luck with your allotment .
15 Apr, 2010
And Me!!!!!! Best of luck from a fellow allotmenteer.......:-)
15 Apr, 2010
The ash is meant to keep slugs away. I am trying it out for the first time on my hostas!!! I don't know if it works yet.
14 Apr, 2010