Venedamary's Profile

About me
I started gardening as a small child when allowed to potter in a small greenhouse. The wonder of growing plants from cuttings and seeds has never left me. I think of my garden as an ever changing tapestry or ‘Kasse’ quilt as it changes daily and is full of memories of family friends and places lived in and visited.The garden was started from scratch 29 years ago and has evolved into my rather chaotic cottage garden , every spare inch is crammed with plants which means less weeding. The plants have wound there way here from many places . The red hot poker, geranium and meadow sweet from my childhood home in Tyrone. The white lilac and day lilies from the old hospital which used to be across the road. The crocosmia from next door and many others as cuttings or seeds from friends gardens or from village fetes and so it goes on.
I like to think it gives passers by a little pleasure and I am always happy to let them wander around .
I am a great believer in succession planting to give colour and interest throughout the seasons. Thus the honesty, bluebells, narcissus and primulas are replaced by ferns, and herbaceous perennials . I also grow quite a few pot plants eg standard fuschias, abutilon which I can move around at will to give a different accent on a bed. Statement plants both perennial and annual give an exotic feel. mainstays are Melianthus, Abutilon, Cardoon, Castor Bean and Ornamental Millet and last year Bananas (hoping they have overwintered OK in the greenhouse).
I never use chemicals on the garden but try to encourage insects , birds and hedgehogs. Mulching is a necessity on my sandy soil I have 2 large compost heaps made from pallets,when one is full the other is ready to empty. Shreadng is great fun and very satisfying.
My garden is my daily dose of ‘vitamins’ keeping me healthy and happy.
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Joined in Feb 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Surrey