Vixxen's Profile

About me
I'm wheelchair bound which may or may not be an advantage, depending on which friends and relatives
are at hand to do the gardening I can't or won't do.
My garden isn't very big which suites my situation BUT:
It has an interesting shape.
It's not overlooked.
It has several handsome trees; including the biggest
Eucalyptus in Hertfordshire
It is near-silent excepting the 'goings-on' of my fellow
tenants, one vixen, numerous squirrels, birds of all shapes and sizes, frogs for Africa and my great friend
and companion 'Paddy' (see pic). They co-exist equitably,
or seem to. I suspect that the law of the watering hole applies; 'thou shalt not kill at the lunch table'.
I am growing a hedge on the one open boundary, I've planted white and red Hawthorn, wild Cherry, Rowan,
Sloe, Hornbeam, Guelder rose and some specie roses;
Elsewhere in the garden lots of Honeysuckle, Jasmin,
Ivy, Hazel and sweet Chestnut trees. The garden isn't
defined in terms of beds,borders or lawn; things are
very informal, the grass area gets cut down twice a
year, its rye, fescue and any indigenous meadow
flowers that take my fancy although I,m, much taken with
the geraniums (colombine) and aquilegia. My problem,
if indeed it is a problem, is the irresistable urge to cease
from my labours, sit in my favourite shady spot with a bowl of olivesand a bottle of good chilled wine and contemplate paradise. I inevitably takes up the rest
of the day.
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What else
Joined in Aug 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Hertfordshire