Recycling the way to go
By wadavamo
My earliest attempt at recycling involved tyre and pet bottle gardens. Both herbs and ornamentals were cultivated in these planters.This has led to a container garden section in my backyard garden.I am working hard at developing an organic garden.
30 Aug, 2014
Hello Wadavamo
Welcome to GoY,
Good luck with your planting ideas.
30 Aug, 2014
Tyres can make effective containers, and living where you do you'll be able to grow all kinds of plants that we in the UK have to grow under glass. Let us know how your garden develops. I hadn't heard of chemicals leaching out - probably best then not to grow edibles in them as Jent says.
I've seen them used to make deeper containers by piling one or two on top of the original one.
30 Aug, 2014
Hello and welcome to GOY I wish you success with your recycling, I too have seen then piled up and even painted.
30 Aug, 2014
I'm glad to see you using your tyres :) I threw some away when I moved here, and have regretted it ...
It's good to recycle !
30 Aug, 2014
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Congratulations ! Individual containers save money by
providing exactly the compost each plant needs.
Remember Ericaceous plants thrive with the right compost.
You can also give them the right plant food.
Tyres look attractive when painted bright colours with some left over house paint.
30 Aug, 2014