Whitefrizz's Profile

About me
Hi, I live in Spain on a 6500sq. mtr property that is one third pine, eucalyptus and cork oak wood , one third mix of a few olive , fig , nispero, almond , plums, apples and persimmon trees, then 50 or so navel and juicing oranges plus a few mandarins and about twenty or so quince and a few pears.I have a stream running alongside the bottom of the garden which provides me with the water - and frost just in time normally to kill a few blossom! Yes - even in southern spain- My winter temperature is 5ยบ below that of the town about 4km away.
The top third is natural andalucian matorral I suppose although I do wish to plant certain climbers etc. for colour and variety - quite a bit of gorse ,broom and lavender both of which I want to keep for perfume and natural aspect, so prune these down.
Tried veg down with the oranges but soil very sandy and no nutrients- wild chard grows well.... neighbour has horses and offered no end of stable straw and manure, but my access to the orange grove is very difficult because of the lay of the land- very hard work picking and dragging up the hill. So any inspired ideas - pulleys etc! more than welcome. My family think I am barmy moving here at this time of my life without experience, but what do family know!! I want to turn this thing into a wonderful fantasy world for my grandchildren ( and me!)but difficult at moment- big mortgage and full time working- one day though...
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Joined in Nov 2009
Country: Spain
County/State: cadiz