Windy's Profile

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THIS YEAR(2010) I SHALL BE MOSTLY TRYING TO GROW........Agapanthus{purple/white}, Alliums{purple/white sensation} ,Anemone{bordeaux coronaria} ,Armeria{maritima splendens} ,Acer palmatum{atropurpureum} ,Crocosmia{lucifer/mount bretia} ,Carnation{grenadin} ,Cirsium japonicum{rose beauty} ,Clematis{ville de lyon/belle etoile} ,Ceanothus thyrsiflorus{skylark} ,Dahlia{smokey,sunshine,marble ball} ,Delphinium{blue butterfly/cameliard} ,Echium{russicum} ,Echinops{veitchs blue} ,Eryngium varifolium{miss marbel},Gladioli{black star/packet mix} ,Hemerocalis{crimson pirate/stella d"or/pink damask} ,Hollyhock{charters double/alcea mix} ,Iris {black dragon} ,Lupins{various unknown} , Lilium{muscadet} ,Lychnis{viscaria splendens} ,Monarda{didyma pink supreme} ,Mock orange{philidelphus virginal} ,Nerine{bowdenii} ,Paeonia {lactiflora red/white~pink} ,Papaver {allegro red/pattys plum} ~papaver somniferum{daneborg laced/seriously scarlet} ~papaver peoniflorum{ooh la la/blackcurrant fizz} ,Roses{arthur bell yellow/congratulations pink/silver wedding white/heartbeat pink/birthday girl floribunda purple} plus a deep red & violet of unknown name., Red hot poker , Sweet pea{various chelsea flower show mix} ,Scabiosa{unknown} , Viola{labradorica} , Veronica{red fox/shirley blue}......OTHERS i have missed include.... Hibiscus/Magnolia{susan pink}white star} ,Sunflower{yellow/purple}, Hunnysuckle.. also attempting to grow a wild iris {dietes grandiflora} fingers crossed......... VEGETABLES include Potatoes{maris piper/marfona} ~salad pots{sharpes exspress/ulster chieftan} ,carrots/ french & runner beans ,Onions{large dutch/small salad} ,brussel sprouts/ sprouting broccoli ,also attempting for the first time cauliflower & leeks... Regulars include strawberries & rhubarb.... ;) All this from a garden 165 ft long & about 20 ft biggest year to date, full of highs & lows.. SO WISH ME LUCK COS HERE I GO <3 thanks for your patience.
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Joined in Jul 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: cambridgeshire