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This is North Carolina's state bird, the Cardinal.
By Flcrazy

8 Jan, 2009
These pics were taken through my dining room window.
Comments on this photo
Oh....lucky you having this one on your bird table......really beautiful. He reminds me of a Waxwing though they are grey in colour....from Russia...and migrate to th UK in very cold winters for seeds..berries etc.
8 Jan, 2009
What an amazing colour your photography is brilliant......
8 Jan, 2009
I've put this one on my favourites also.
You have very clean dining room windows. :o)
8 Jan, 2009
Lucky you to be able to watch such beautiful birds through your window :o)
8 Jan, 2009
8 Jan, 2009
Thanks for you wonderful comments. He really would stand out in a crowd, wouldn't Kind of hard to miss this fella !
We have grey waxwing's here too Janey, but rarely ever get to see one, they will not eat bird seed, wonder if they look like ours ?
Lol...,Trust me TT, I gave them a good cleaning before I started snapping the photos. I hate cleaning windows.:-)
8 Jan, 2009
I'm loving your bird photos Flcrazy. I'm a little jealous though...the colors of your birds make mine look a little dull. Great clarity in your photos too...I guess,lol :)
9 Jan, 2009
Aren't they lovely and cheerful looking. Great shot Flcrazy.
9 Jan, 2009
stunning colour
9 Jan, 2009
We have these also, FL. I enjoy watching them....
9 Jan, 2009
Fabulous photo as usual !
9 Jan, 2009
Glad to hear everyone is enjoying them. Wow, can't believe I've finally made Tasteyg just a tid bit jealous of me, life does seem to smile on me every once in a while, As we all know, I'm always the one that stays green with envy over your fantastic shots...;-).
They really do stand out don't they Skippy, you can see them for a country mile !
9 Jan, 2009
Fabulous picture. Wish we had a "County" bird here in Norfolk. Think it's a lovely idea.
10 Jan, 2009
An amazing bird! I used to live in Iowa and saw lots of them there.
11 Jan, 2009
Another marvellous shot, thanks, very exotic bird.
11 Jan, 2009
Thanks Volunteer and Dotty, he's a real attention grabber. Glad to hear you got to see one in real life volunteer, so you used to live in America's heartland did you ! Mile after mile of flat land and wide open spaces, with some of the most fertile soil in America I'm told.
11 Jan, 2009
You have the cardinal for your state bird and we have the American goldfinch for ours...both of them stand out...guess we are the lucky ones...I do envy you the cardnals though..we have the blue jays too...they are so pretty but my dad went to war with them every fall over the hazlenuts trees...I don't know why he bothered..there was always plenty of nuts no matter
11 Jan, 2009
Wow ..what a beauty Flcrazy..thanks for sharing your beautiful pics
12 Jan, 2009
Stunning, another great photo Flcrazy.
12 Jan, 2009
Really appreciate your comments Deida and Pottygardener thanks for stopping by and checking them out !
Hi Catfinch, The american Golfinch is a beautiful, very colorful bird too. We have them pass through here every spring, but they don't seem to stay very long.They are a real treat to watch ! I know what you are saying about the blue My husband's dad couldn't stand them either. Constantly trying to run them off ,while constantly complaining about how they would run all the other birds away from the feeders when they came around. The way I see it, there is always going to be a pecking order, it's just a part of life, whether your a bird or a He just needed to relax and let nature take it's course. It wasn't like all the other birds were going to starve anyway, he had at least 5 feeders full of bird seed at all times...:-).
13 Jan, 2009
LOL...while the nuts were getting ready for harvest the jays were obnoxious...but not as obnoxious as my dads huller that he was a metal drum he hooked to a motor to make it roll and toss the nuts around in to knock them out of the could hear it a mile there were the screens layed out in his very large wood jays not only attacked there but also the wind in a windstorm that uprooted and knocked a very large Douglas fir over into our pigs good old days..! What the jays and the wind did not get the mice in the eves of our house could hear them rolling them down my ceiling in the winter nights.....LOL...and dad pounding on the walls to shush the mice from their constant scritching and gnawing at the nut swear the little pikers would roll one along the beam and lose it or maybe it ws on purpose and then take a jump and slide down my ceiling right above my head...! Good entertainment for a youngster with a vivid imagination!
13 Jan, 2009
LOL...., I love to hear stories about the 'good ole days' ! Sounds like weeks worth of entertainment for a kid with a great imagination CF! You've got my mind wondering back in time Thanks !
13 Jan, 2009
Oohh I'm jealous Flrcrazy! This is a beautiful photo.
19 Jan, 2009
What a fantastic bird and shot! IM ENVIOUS.
28 Jan, 2009
Thanks Raquel and Pansypotter, it's hard to take a bad shot when you have a bird like this prancing around outside your
28 Jan, 2009
So many beautiful bird shots Flcrazy, I love the colour of this one! Gone to my favourites!
23 Feb, 2009
Thanks Panther, he would look really good roosting in some of your very colorful, tropical plants, wouldn't he ?!
23 Feb, 2009
Definately Flcrazy!:-)
24 Feb, 2009
Beautiful !!! What we miss out on livivg here in britain!
28 Feb, 2009
Thanks Lori, I think you have some very beautiful birds in Britain that we aren't lucky enough to The grass always looks greener on the other side doesn't it ?!
1 Mar, 2009
I have a soft spot for Cardinals...I believe I've told you the saga of Amelia? anyway they are the most beautiful creatures! from Catfinch's post it sounds like we lived in similar circumstances as children!! it was a wonderful life then too! I'm surprised you don't see more Cedar Waxwings. They are a gorgeous bird .... and the female cardinal is often mistaken for a wax wing...when I first saw Amelia that's what I thought she was.... I was hoping to entice them into my back garden with cedars and viburnum....saw a female cardinal a week ago and this morning I saw a robin...but no waxwings!
15 Mar, 2009
It is too bad you can't get the Waxwings to come Lori. We had a visit from a small flock last week, they really are neat little birds. They come for the berries in the trees and bushes, and sometimes for water. This last time they were chowing down on the Eleagnus berries.
15 Mar, 2009
Yes, I forgot about the Russian Olive Wohlibuli.....I think the cardinal was attracted by the red berries hanging on the viburnum...but they are soooo sour/bitter that the birds don't bother with them...even after they've been frozen!
16 Mar, 2009
AND a bird table !!!!!!!!! What a glorious boy to have as a State bird !
30 Aug, 2009
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Beautiful Red Colours :)Great Shot again Fl:)
8 Jan, 2009