A Sink Garden.
By Owdboggy
We found a number of these old Belfast type sinks around the garden. This is how I turned them into alpine growing areas.
The sink was scrubbed with bleach to remove any dirt and grease before being painted with a neutral shade of exterior paint. Once the sink has been filled with soil it is very heavy so position it in its final spot before going any further.
The plug hole was covered with a piece of zinc foil. This helps to stop worms from getting in and also prevents the filling material from being washed out and blocking the drainage hole.
To keep the foil in place I put some pieces of stone over it to weight it down.
Next I put a layer of 12 mm gravel over the bottom of the sink to about a depth of 5 cms or so.
A layer of smaller grit and sharp sand was added over the top of the gravel. This was 5cm crushed granite.
Now the sink was filled with a mixture of John Innes No. 3 and more of the 5mm grit. In the ratio of 3 parts to 1 by volume.
For this sink I used a selection of rocks picked up in the garden, but in other sinks I have used slate, or sandstone slabs or even broken paving stones.
The rocks are placed to create crevices and other planting areas and to give a great depth of soil in places.
More soil is added to fill up the crevices and to steady the rocks.
Finally a layer of gravel was put on top. In this case I used 12 mm gravel to match the gravel used on the area where the sink was to be positioned. It could have been covered with 5 mm grit, or if I had intended planting lime loving plants I could have used a crushed limestone.
A selection of alpine plants positioned where I though they looked best.
Planted up and the gravel cleaned up. Job done.
29 Apr, 2012
Previous post: Garden Tour April 2012
Next post: Planting up a trough!
My daughter has one of these and hasn't used it yet. So.........
Thanks for the guidance, OB.
29 Apr, 2012
Lovely blog, thankyou Owdboggy.
29 Apr, 2012
Great blog. Many thanks :o)
29 Apr, 2012
Thankyou Owdboggy, very informative blog...
29 Apr, 2012
Another very descriptive and informative blog Owdboggy - thank you :)
29 Apr, 2012
Quote: 'we found a number of these......’
How lucky are you! These sinks cost a fortune second hand! Good they were uncovered by someone who can make such good use of them.
29 Apr, 2012
What a brilliant blog ! I've got one of these sinks, and I want to plant it up this year. I've decided to put alpines in it. I've saved this on my fave page so that I can refer to it when I need to
30 Apr, 2012
Lovely Owdboggy....I have lots of sinks in the garden...An old brown one and a few white ones...Your blog has given me the push i need to sort them out!!...:>)
30 Apr, 2012
brilliant blog, thank you! very clear step-by-step, everything explained. inspirational.
3 May, 2012
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Excellent blog Owdboggy with a step-by-step guide on how to do it. The final result looks great
29 Apr, 2012