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Bonsai Calamondin Mandarin Orange

Bonsai Calamondin Mandarin Orange

Tiny waxy white blossoms will purfume a room. These Bonsai will thrive in bright indoor light.

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Mmmmmm....lovely but where's that sparkly bit??

4 Nov, 2008


Really nice tree and fruit but I feel like there is something missing,but just can't think what it might be lol..

5 Nov, 2008


I love this Pollyannaever! Producing fruit and everything! Orange blossoms smell so good. How nice to have that fragrance in your home.

26 Nov, 2008


Wonderful little trees.

27 Nov, 2008


Have you tried wiring the branches in interesting shapes or are they too brittle?

3 Jul, 2014

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