orchids and organic gardening
By 1poodle11
I came a across these web pages which other people might find helpful. They are well written articles for novice and enthusiast alike.
The first one is about organic gardening:
Gardening the Organic Way
The second one is about some methods, challenges and rewards of growing orchids:
“Cultivating Orchids – How Patience Pays Off ":http://watchtower.org/e/201001a/article_01.htm
I hope you enjoy them and find them informative.
15 May, 2011
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Sounds as though it really takes a lot of patience and trial and error. I sometimes work near Stonehaven and there are lots of wild ones at the side of the motorway going back to Aberdeen. I shall try to take a photo of them sometime.
A friend brought a little sealed transparent tube with a little orchid seedling in it back from her holiday in Singapoor. They are put into the growing medium, an agar, I assume to be similar to the one described in the article. I did eventually transfer it to a little transparent plastic cup filled with orchid compost. It grows very slowly, but I'm thrilled it so far hasn't died on me, and its little roots reach out to capture the moisture in the air, I believe. Can't wait to see it flower some day. Although I quite like the foliage as well.
15 May, 2011
I hope it flowers for you soon. Good luck ...
We have lots of wild orchids around here in the hedges. But the early purple ones were not very good this year. In fact I only saw one. I suppose the bad winter has affected them
15 May, 2011
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26 Sep, 2010
Thanks for the link to the orchid site. i want to save it so that I can read it again. I haven't been successful with them but hope to try again
15 May, 2011