New Freinds
By 230338
I am told beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in responce to that i would like to disclose to morrow night a photo of our two fireside mascots fluff and snuff. Fluff is exceptionaley lucky to wish on and snuff well he looks up to Fluff in a pleasant way. You are wondering what are they? but let me disclose that snuff is rather shy and a beautyful little * but Fluff is so lovable. I shall now waite in wonder at your responce since my jumbo blog was kidnapped in favour of a quite extensive Mc Vities product list. Somhow rice crispies came into it and the odd ice finger appeared. Alas jumbo is no more . Take care all be good and enjoy lol.
9 Dec, 2010
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Perhaps they are nicknames for you and your wife!! Is she particularly tall?
9 Dec, 2010
Oooh... Fluff and Snuff... they sound interesting...
Yes, we admit to hijacking your Jumbo blog...
... but the chocolate biscuits deemed it a very worthy cause ;o)
10 Dec, 2010
I wonder are they buddas you can make a wish on them too.
10 Dec, 2010
i think its a cobweb ~ fluff and a spider ~ snuff ~ or its one of those dandelion clock seeds??
sorry about the highjack ~ will try to be good this time
i like puzzles!
10 Dec, 2010
As a child I recall reading a book about cats... Smoke and Fluff... not Snuff and Fluff...
I've just looked it up on the internet... I still have the book somewhere... Ladybird... apparently now worth about £42 !!!
10 Dec, 2010
i think i remember that book ~ was it about kittens and was it all in rhyme?
10 Dec, 2010
chocolate hobnobs mmmmmmmmm.....
10 Dec, 2010
2 chocolate hobnobs on the fireside ~ with names???
nice idea but in my kitchen they wouldnt last long enough to be named!!
10 Dec, 2010
Original (first) verse by E. M. Coghlin
Look at Smoke and Fluff P. Cat
NOW what mischief are they at?
Mummie as she knits away,
Thinks "How good they are to-day!"
Revised (first) verse by W Perring
Mrs. Cat was busy knitting,
Didn't notice soon enough
Kittens underneath the table,
Saucy Smoke and frisky fluff
Today I bought dark chocolate hobnobs AND milk chocolate hobnobs... essential fireside food for winter.. :o)))
10 Dec, 2010
naughty kittens dirtied their mittens
and do you know what they'd done?
been out into the pantry having lots of fun
they found the biscuits in a packet
and without making too much racket
opened them and ate them all
what a feast, what fun ~ like having a ball
but what those kittens didnt see
was mummy finishing her tea
what did she say when all she found
was empty paper in a mound
oh TT you have taken me back ~ those books! and those naughty kittens.
10 Dec, 2010
naughty kittens... eating all the hobnobs ;o)
10 Dec, 2010
naughty kitten has lost her mitten
and can't tell where to find it.......
stuck now....
10 Dec, 2010
she lost it in a snow drift high
but cant climb up and cannot fly
her paws are cold
but she was told
her mother said, with such a sigh
you naughty kitten you've lost your mitten
and you shall have no pie!!!!!
[nor chocolate hob nobs]
10 Dec, 2010
... modern day version :
"her mother said, with such a sob,
you naughty kitten, you've lost your mitten,
and you shall have no hobnob." :o)
10 Dec, 2010
cant say naughty any more ~ that will have to be changed too!!
10 Dec, 2010
your behaviour is challenging little cat
you must sit for a while on the obedience mat
now wash your paws and shut the doors
and you shall have some fruit!!
[they are only allowed healthy food these days!!!]
10 Dec, 2010
Modern "equality" version..
What a feast, what fun, like having a pop music festival,
but what those maturity-challenged cats didn't see
was mummy or daddy finishing their tea,
what did she/he say when all she/he found,
was litter dropped illegally on the ground...
10 Dec, 2010
its sooo difficult being up to date/fashionably challenged!!
10 Dec, 2010
im waiting for strictly to come on ~ now what would Craig say to those naughty kittens?
You are disarrrstrous darrrlings!
10 Dec, 2010
And will Len give them SEVEN clips round the earhole? get ready to call kitten abuse social services,if he does !!
10 Dec, 2010
... seems we've returned to glitter balls again.... ;o)
10 Dec, 2010
Lol Tt,..what goes around,comes around...:o))
10 Dec, 2010
yes i was wondering how to get the Seven in!!
dancing kittens TT?
now im going to be very good and try to get back to the subject of this blog ~ who or what are snuff and fluff
do you think they could be stars ~ one is lucky to wish on and one looks up to the other ~ so that seems like a star??
surely they couldnt be starfish??? tropical???
10 Dec, 2010
very good Bloomer
10 Dec, 2010
Wonder if they are chineese dogs.
10 Dec, 2010
how did you work that one out 6d?
11 Dec, 2010
Two dogs.... see new blog by 230338 :o)
11 Dec, 2010
i saw! didnt think of dogs!
11 Dec, 2010
Sound s to me from his latest blog its frogs lol, I came up with dogs, as next year its the year of the dog and they will get their wish, if you face the dogs to the east they protect and bring good luck. He did say you could make a wish, buddahs you also can wish on.
11 Dec, 2010
very good sherlock! it is dogs!
11 Dec, 2010
Lol thanks for letting me know how did you make that one out, as on his new blog its to do with a frog.
11 Dec, 2010
6d... there's another blog prior to the frog blog...
called Fluff and Snuff...
11 Dec, 2010
Oh I see lol Thank you Terratoonie.
11 Dec, 2010
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Will await your reveal that mc vities by any chance was nt covered in chocolate was it lol, n ice to see you ve not been kicked out again lol he he haha. You can wish on a whish bone or a pixie, mmmm.
9 Dec, 2010