By 230338
my wifes wooden elephant lost his trunk on the back lawn when a gust of wind dropped a plant pot on it. The scene at the time was quite horrendouse. From the lounge window i noticed many birds pecking the tusk and when my companion (Lucy the cat) chose to run off with the tusk before dropping it outside my work shed my good lady was not happy. I tried to explain about the accident but to no avail i was instructed “put the tusk back on or no biscuits with your tea” my defences were breached so istuck it back on jumbo. Due to the cold it fell off again never to be found i,m afraid but my good lady serves a blue ribbond withmy cuppa any way.This incident occured several weeks ago but all is fine now. Take care enjoy
6 Dec, 2010
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Oh, poor Jumbo...
... maybe make a substitute trunk from a plastic milk bottle ;o)
Glad to know you are still receiving the Blue Ribands...
...I always enjoy your blogs :o))
7 Dec, 2010
There is nothing worse than being denied a Blue Ribbon with your tea 23... Glad to know biscuits are back on the menu. Sorry about the elephant!!!
7 Dec, 2010
Interesting that animals are so interested - what was the tusk made of, I wonder? As for the Blue Riband, yuk, give me a Penguin instead, thanks, lol!
7 Dec, 2010
not that keen on blue riband or penguin ~ prefer those cookies with big chocolate chunks ~ or just the chocolate!!
7 Dec, 2010
Penguin would be appropriate for the cold weather...
... or coconut snowball cakes... ;o)
7 Dec, 2010
very good TT
you'd have to get them from Iceland of course!
7 Dec, 2010
Lol. ... would need to find the energy to ski to the shops ...
... get the calories by eating some Glacier mints ;o)
7 Dec, 2010
think i will stick with Frosties for my energy!
7 Dec, 2010
..You're welcome to some of my Ice Krispies ;o)
7 Dec, 2010
that will be to go with Iced Gems and hobnailed biscuits i should think. i just hope that one of those big st bernards comes along with something strong!
7 Dec, 2010
Fear not ...
I've raided the Kennel Club Working Group, to send you a Canadian Eskimo Dog, an Alaskan Malamute and a Siberian Husky...
... equipped with a DVD of the "Snow Dogs" movie, to keep you amused till help arrives....
... or were you hoping for the brandy ...to be like Jumbo the elephant in the garden of 230338 ? ....
... wanting to get trunk ?
7 Dec, 2010
all will be acceptable, but it would be nice if they bring brandy too!
is snow patrol booked too?
7 Dec, 2010
Yes ... all booked and ready to entertain...
.. along with the Arctic Monkeys :o)
7 Dec, 2010
and shall we go to the Ice-stedford [excuse spelling!]
7 Dec, 2010
He could make a trunk call then perhaps one will appear. I bet the air was blue with you at time after your wife had finished, :o)) I have found the perfect person for your wife here take a look.
7 Dec, 2010
Ah, Sixpence... you're right...
...a trunk call to Noseypotter could be the answer...
Sticki - thought you'd be busy watching The Apprent ice ?
7 Dec, 2010
no im watching str ice tly ~ but now i need the cons-ice dictionary to check my spelling
7 Dec, 2010
Ah.. cool ... Brendan Cold and Bruce Forsth-ice ...
7 Dec, 2010
Lol you too hehe haha
7 Dec, 2010
guess whats on ITV at 7.30 ~ the ice storm!!!! or there is total whiteout ? dont think john snow or his son are on tonight nor david frost
i thought i might like krispie and phil's perfect christmice?
7 Dec, 2010
Is that anything like K & P's other show ?
... Refrigeration, Refrigeration, Refrigeration....?
7 Dec, 2010
you are very good TT ~ im struggling to keep up with you!
its more like krispie's programme ~ making it with you??
perhaps i should go to bed and read ~ pride and prejud-ice!
7 Dec, 2010
I saw half the K & P show yesterday... after I had watched University Chill-inge...
... but I wonder how long before Krispie starts knocking down the Walls.. (ice-cream) ;o)
are you watching K&P... can't believe it...
started off all about ICE and ICE BUCKETS !!!
7 Dec, 2010
yes ive got it on now
dangerice drinks
7 Dec, 2010
Lol I m scratching my head hear at you too do you think it could be headl ice, I know I hitting bottom now. hehe
7 Dec, 2010
'snow wonder you're itching then!
7 Dec, 2010
oooh... Phil's got icing sugar .. :o)
7 Dec, 2010
you beat me to it! just going to write that one!
and they are the right sice!
7 Dec, 2010
and now kirstie has sp ice!
7 Dec, 2010
ooh ...Krispie's got a CHILLI wreath ! :o)
... who's Kirstie ? ;o)
7 Dec, 2010
oh look the advert is for iceland!
its very ice to know you! can you tell im running down now?
think she is going to make spICEd ICEd cook-ices??
7 Dec, 2010
she has used vanilla essicence and now we are looking at sprice trees!
7 Dec, 2010
Yes. I saw the Iceland advert ...
Phil had ICING sugar ...
Krispie has sp-icy perfume :o)
7 Dec, 2010
but she isnt any good at chemICEtry!
7 Dec, 2010
yet more nICE frostive ideas from K & P. :o)
7 Dec, 2010
sorry folks jumbo alas is no longer around he met his waterloo on refuse collection day. I am now on rich tea goodys. Take care lol.
7 Dec, 2010
oh no! poor jumbo!
no hob nobs or chocolate chips?
7 Dec, 2010
You ve now became a dunker then been demoted lol
7 Dec, 2010
Sorry to hear about Jumbo ...
... but you deserve at least Custard Creams ...
... or Jammie Dodgers ... Chocolate Hobnobs ?
8 Dec, 2010
Brilliant, you guys ! I just laghed and laughed - how on earth did you keep that going for so long ?
Bet you didn't expect that kind of response 23? No doubt serious minded goyers might tusk at all this humour on the site ! :))))))))
8 Dec, 2010
Ah, Silverbell... glad to see you've joined us here...
This evening there's another exciting episode of Krispie and Phil ..
don't know if they'll be serving up hot... or cold ;o)
8 Dec, 2010
i cant wait! computer at the ready!
8 Dec, 2010
Before that, I'll be watching Wall-ice and Gromit :o)
8 Dec, 2010
that will be wall's ice will it?
8 Dec, 2010
Yes... ice-cracking inventions ...
... look out for the Penguin... Feathers McGraw ... :o(((
8 Dec, 2010
do you know which episode it will be? or is it a new one?
Feathers McThaw is always welcome!!?
8 Dec, 2010
W & G investigate ingenious means of transport...
.... probably cheese skis :o)
8 Dec, 2010
just watching SSSScott [of the antartic] and NatalICE.
8 Dec, 2010
Now it is back to Coldia, and the Pro Chill-enge...
8 Dec, 2010
hopped over to wICEcliffe for a few minutes!
8 Dec, 2010
I'm watching the One Snow ...
8 Dec, 2010
TV will never be the same again! im having a tv/computer dinner ~ a slICE of bacon,
wICEcliffe is FROZEN in time i think
8 Dec, 2010
john THAW would be better in this but never mind agatha KRISPIE is on next.
8 Dec, 2010
hey! motor cICEcles!
8 Dec, 2010
.... wICEcliffe... ? If you're watching that, you might also enjoy A Touch of Frost....
8 Dec, 2010
CedrICE is now inventing a motor from a ladybird book ~ i remember that book!!
8 Dec, 2010
I'm pleased there's a like on this blog from ClarICE :o)
8 Dec, 2010
Yay.. bICE cycle for riding on ICE !!! :O)))
8 Dec, 2010
there's hardly any one else on it except for silversnow and snowpence
8 Dec, 2010
ICE-embard Kingdom Brunel inventor of the week. fantICEtic!
8 Dec, 2010
It's Krispie and Phil now...
making a Christmas cake with no ICING ?
8 Dec, 2010
its got black treacle in ~ i can FROSTICE them anything!
8 Dec, 2010
wouldnt mind having a go at that garland ~ there's no hard and frost rules apparantly!
everything seems a bit prICEy to me!
8 Dec, 2010
Now it's "How to gift-wrap a snowball "...:o)))
8 Dec, 2010
its good to make christmICE presents ~ SNOW one will know you have made them yourself!
8 Dec, 2010
Glacé cherries :o)))
8 Dec, 2010
Hi folks ! Icee the story continues . . . Well, krispie won't keep warm with that thingy round her wee wrist. OOOH - ham with apples and spICES. Cloves, honey mustard glICE . . . .keep warm. Oh she keeps talking about glICES - now the ham is amICING and chrICEmassy.
OOH - Shoemaking - £3 good prICE FUR shoes aye ST ? Oh - I think thats fur the deccies. Heres me thinking it was real ones . . . Aye, thats me a Scot right enough ! Krispie kind of SOOTs her voICE . . . she does this kind of CRACKERly thing when she says her FOWLS . . .
8 Dec, 2010
. . . SNOW fair - I need to speed up at thICE GAME. . . .
8 Dec, 2010
Phil is philling the house with frostive cheer ...
Krispie says Phil's cooking is del-ice-ious....:o)
8 Dec, 2010
oooh crICEstal glasses
8 Dec, 2010
Phil is playing Musice !
8 Dec, 2010
not very well ~ he is SNOW good in fact he is uselICE
8 Dec, 2010
Final episode tomorrow...
Krispie making ice-sculptures and snowmen :o)
8 Dec, 2010
what will we do without them?
8 Dec, 2010
thankyou all i have just had dinner and now i,m ravenouse. So many differant biscuits.
8 Dec, 2010
i would bring you some if i could 23 but snow good me trying to get up there!
8 Dec, 2010
does nobody have a nice thing to say about Jumbo? are we all unforgiving? Blooming thing didnt look nice on the lawn anyway. Thankyou all for the Mc Vitie summery i beleive i am going to get a choc biccy for supper. Take care enjoy
8 Dec, 2010
i think you should have a jumbo chocolate biscuit!!
8 Dec, 2010
Phil and Krispie are about to give us their final programme...
... Get ready with your After Eights and Iced Gems .... :o)))
9 Dec, 2010
got it on krispie's indian looks good and phrosty phil is now getting colder and colder
9 Dec, 2010
yuk, i dont think they are making that cheese with snow! lactice acid i gather. rather have ice cream myself
9 Dec, 2010
The round cheeses and the snow men look alarmingly similar...
9 Dec, 2010
that's now cheese!
9 Dec, 2010
Need some more branches for your Christmas Tree ??
not a problem... Twiggy's on now.. :o)
9 Dec, 2010
that ice is terrifice!
ha ha, i prefer a bushy tree not a twiggy one!
9 Dec, 2010
ICE sculpture now...
I'd like to carve an elephant...
for 230338 :o)))
9 Dec, 2010
thats very kind
i want to make ~ and drink that coffee expresso ~ with cream ~ yummy!
9 Dec, 2010
Yes...looks good, doesn't it !
I'm sure I could make a herb wreath for less than £30 ! ;o)
9 Dec, 2010
i wasnt impressed with the wreath im afraid ~ i would have mixed the greenery, not put it in sections
how can a watch type thing make you fitter?? rather have a good looking personal trainer myself ~ just have to chase after him!!!
9 Dec, 2010
Lol...I have my own personal trainer....
Truffle the Smooth Fox Terrier..... ;o)
9 Dec, 2010
i would run after a truffle!
9 Dec, 2010
After Krispie and Phil had eaten all that food, I'm not surprised they need Calorie burning devices ...
9 Dec, 2010
if only she had run to iceland or flown to lapland??
i liked the ice and the coffee thing best
we should do a new years eve blog on the best party!!!!???
9 Dec, 2010
I'll be here... not going anywhere...
... well... I might be... Phil's got the prunes....;o)
9 Dec, 2010
oysters straight up??? dont think i want to know what that means?!! more devils i think
9 Dec, 2010
im going to a concert on new years eve, in birmingham ~ dont have to go to a party that way ~ prefer a virtual one on here! have to do it before i go!!!
9 Dec, 2010
Yes... good idea ...
Oh.... Krispie won the ice sculpture !!!
9 Dec, 2010
how much did that party cost??? oysters, ice sculpture, flowers, curtains of fairy lights ~ cost £50 for 2 metres, krispie says you can go as far as your budget allows ~ that gives me enough for 1 porthole i think
9 Dec, 2010
and all the poor child gets is a water biscuit ~ is this child poverty?
9 Dec, 2010
Question : ...
If Krispie says you can buy an glitter ball on the internet for less than £25 ...
... why is everyone working so hard on Strictly to win one ???
Thank you Sticki and friends for joining me on this blog...
and thanks to 230338 for nobly permitting us to hijack his blog. :o)))
9 Dec, 2010
yes sorry 23, hope you didnt mind ~ i would make you some chocolate biscuits to make up for it if i could!
good thought TT, i think it was less than £5.
9 Dec, 2010
Less than £5...??? then I'll order ten immediately...
... and ten of your chocolate biscuits as well, please...
9 Dec, 2010
i was keeping them for 23, but i could make you some too! will put a photo on ~ of the crumbs!!??
2 for £3.55!!!!!
9 Dec, 2010
Oh, crumbs...
Quick ...
... tell James Jordan about the bargain glitter balls.
.. he is desperate to win one ....
9 Dec, 2010
we could have bought one for widdy in the first week and saved us all a lot of agony!!!?
9 Dec, 2010
perhaps i will plan a glitter garden!!!???
9 Dec, 2010
Looking forward to our New Year's Eve Glitter Blog... :o)))
9 Dec, 2010
dont let me forget!
9 Dec, 2010
:o))) no chance.... lol.
Take a look at the new Fluff and Snuff blog.....
10 Dec, 2010
SurplICE to say a great blog nICE and cheery even though it was hijacked.......233308 shame about Jumbo maybe S anta will bring a new one?
10 Dec, 2010
Hello Mavis...
well done on reaching all the way to the end of this blog... :o)))
nICE to see you here :o)
10 Dec, 2010
Hello Terratoonie.... I used the home and end advICE it work's very nICEly.... :o)
10 Dec, 2010
That's right...
you can get down to the end of the blog in a TrICE.. :o)
10 Dec, 2010
it is a good job we all know each other on here Terratoonie otherwise people will think we are all a bit mICEy.
10 Dec, 2010
I was thinking you could invite anyone to the new years eve glitter party providing they brought an appropriate present eg: Eryngium Planum Blue Glitter, (blue thistle)
or Ice Plant Brilliant etc.???
10 Dec, 2010
I can bring Pyracantha "Sparkler".. :o)))
10 Dec, 2010
you will be allowed in then!
trouble is im having to look all these up on the internet cos i dont know enough ~ do you remember that quiz programme on the radio where they could invite guests to the ball and they had funny names eg: Mr and Mrs Ball and their daughter Glitter; Mr and Mrs Vitty and their son Mac etc etc ~
10 Dec, 2010
yes.. that radio show... excellent...
"I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" ... ?
10 Dec, 2010
Mr and Mrs Full and their daughter Grace
10 Dec, 2010
Mr and Mrs Nutt and their dancing daughter, Ginger...
10 Dec, 2010
like it! thats very clever ~ welcome to the glittering biscuit ball!!
Mr and Mrs Keys and their very beautiful daughter Coo ~ think about it
10 Dec, 2010
Love that one Stickitoffee :o)))
10 Dec, 2010
Mr and Mrs Letts and their very slim daughter Twig??
10 Dec, 2010
Love it Stickitoffe :o))) sorry about this two for the price of one.
10 Dec, 2010
Mr and Mrs Baldi and their son Garry and a very late entry Mrs Jestive and her daughter Di.
10 Dec, 2010
Mr and Mrs. Coln... and their daughter, Lin ...
11 Dec, 2010
The parents very much in need of a break...
with their daughters Kit and Kat...;o)
11 Dec, 2010
Mr and Mrs. Nio...
... and their shapely daughter Bo ...
11 Dec, 2010
excellent TT
11 Dec, 2010
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could you make her a snow elephant instead?
6 Dec, 2010