By 230338
Lunch today in the sun on our patio and just thinking of the many GOY members i have been privileged to connect with. Hywel expert on fuchsia,s, Janey, Terratooney,and Sixpence exceptionally good on gardening advice ,and my good and special friend Elizabeth champion blogger with a beautiful garden (a very nice lady). Yes i am very lucky for a great number of my plants have benefited from there advice. So many more members have assisted my gardening but alas this blog would never end to mention them all. The proof of Goy and its members is shown in the many beautiful colours around my garden and i thank you all. Thank You Tony.
22 Jun, 2011
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Lovely blog and photo`s Tony......
22 Jun, 2011
thankyou Cinderella, Coleus is one of my favorite plants but not always appreciated. So many beautyful colours. Take care enjoy Tony
22 Jun, 2011
Lincslass thankyou very much. Hope all is well in your garden. Take care Tony
22 Jun, 2011
Hello Tony! Oh my goodness! you'll be having us all blushing! That's a marvellous blog... I'm really very touched! You certainly have a way with words, and I know I for one, am very proud to call you my friend! I've only been a member here for four months, but the amount of friendship and support both you and I have been shown, by people who are to all intents and purposes, strangers, has been humbling.
It's also been great fun, it's been weird realising quite how many folk on here share the same bonkers sense of humour as you and I! Lol!! It's quite life changing, this little website, but I just love being a member on here, and long may it continue!
Don't you forget the effect you have on other people's lives either, Tony, you're a very important person here, and don't you forget it! Or I'll be asking Tiny have a word or five with you! Take care Tony, thanks for everything!!
23 Jun, 2011
I was just having a look at your last picture there...I didn't know you had Elephants ears! And don't say 'as long as I don't have budgie feet!' That's a lovely bit of planting, with the grasses, and is that variegated eunonymus? It's great! :0)
23 Jun, 2011
Oh Thank you :) I'm pleased to have been of help !
Of course I'm no expert really - it's just sharing information I get from trial and error :)
23 Jun, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Good heavens i wouldn't ever say you have Budgie feet Elizabeth but i am still looking for the owner of those other imprints on my lawn(LoL). Must admit the plants you referred to in my blog were taken at Foxdenton hall Elizabeth. I do however have 3 variegated eunonymus on my lawn. The original plant and 2 cuttings. Good news Sixpence is back More good news so is Scooby he flew in during the rain so i had to snap him through the lounge window. Elizabeth he was drenched, he looked straight at me then as i got the camera he turned his back on me cheeky devil. Tiny sends his regards, Fred is in hiding i think and Lucy loves you to bits. As for loppylugs your still my Bessy friend. Take care Elizabeth enjoy and be good. Tony
23 Jun, 2011
hi hywel when i first joined GOY everyone said to me you should have a word with hywel he knows. And you did help me and i am very grateful thankyou. Tony
23 Jun, 2011
Well you're welcome then :)
23 Jun, 2011
25 Jun, 2011
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Lovely colour of the Coleus.
22 Jun, 2011