By 230338
With plants and blogs on my mind i had a dream. A young lady with a piece of parchment in her hand Jack sparrows was the heading. This lady was leading my Tiny, Lucy and turbo Fred down to my shed. She was sporting a shovel and a pick axe on her shoulder. I tried to speak but nothing came out as my shed door was breached , then bang, bang, bang, the floor was in shreds. Tiny, Lucy , and turbo Fred looked at the lady and uttered the magic words, Beep, Beep, Beep. She looked at me and said" i be finding jacks treasure i be" and i noticed the name Elizabeth tattooed on the pick handle. Blimey my shed in ruins i said what any chap would have said IE " can i have half". Woke up then and ensured my greenhouse and tomatoes were OK. Have some really beautyful giant petunias to plant out but its finding the spot for them really. Fuchsia cuttings coming on fine and my Datura seems to be picking up. Take care everyone hope you like the blog . Tony
21 Jun, 2011
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Hi Elizabeth See what i mean about your blogs? Your the only one that answered mine (LoL). Not so sure Lucy , Turbo Fred, and Tiny will appreciate your not finding the treasure. Glad you liked the blog anyway. Worms yes seems your lucky with them i call them soil treasures for sure. No Elizabeth you must keep both halves. Shed floor now in mint condition as i was treading on it for 3 hrs today as i did my project. Elizabeth turbo Fred flashed by this lunch time in next doors garden and did not let on i,m afraid. Now me hearty may i get down to business? how do you get captions between your photographs?. If you divulge that information to me i promise to give you the dimensions of Freds peg leg and as a bonus the fuel he puts in his turbo (loL). I am now going to figure out why my blog was,nt liked by any other members. Take care Elizabeth enjoy Tony
22 Jun, 2011
Too busy last night Tony but had a good laugh at both you and Libet tonight......
22 Jun, 2011
Hi lincslass Glad you liked the blog. Its a contest between elizabeth and i on who is the barmiest. It seems i am ahead at this stage (LoL) Take care enjoy. Tony
26 Jun, 2011
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Hoho! Tony! You're aren't half a daft bat!! Oh dear! I can't even see the keyboard now, can't see for tears of laughter... Right! I'm back me hearty!! Good nose blow and off we go! That was sooo funny! You should write children's books! There's nothing like a really good laugh to make you feel on top of the world! That was lovely! Very clever, thank you! You can have of course have half of whatever I find... although what you'll do with half a worm I'll never know!
Yes! I have worms!! And I'm so pleased you wouldn't believe! In the garden you understand, of course! No, when we came here first I never saw any, but when I was putting some bedding plants in the other day, well, there were dozens! It's amazing what a few years of cultivation, and, as a friend calls it...'nure will do for a garden! Och dear, I can't stop giggling, that has really tickled me! Right you..I have to go to bed, hehe...shed floor in shreds...turbo Fred...did he have a peg leg?! Och dear dear! Right! Night night! you four blaggards! xxxx
21 Jun, 2011