Stock taking
By 230338
After an unplanned rest with friends i ventured into my garden very happy. Put two new hanging baskets up, then took note of my Glechoma Hederacea Variegata (crikey what a mouth full) looking happy in one of them. Fuchsia bushes are developing nicely, but my Rose cuttings had failed ( sorry Elizabeth) so i took 3 more this pm. Went on to my shed all tools intact but my good lady did a sorting job in it before i could enter and did a vanishing job with my blooming Murry mints, what a liberty !. Next my Vinca now planted in the garden, it truly has taken off and maybe next year it will flower in abundance. Checked with my Security team Lucy (the pussy ), Muffin ( the pup) all present and correct ,but no Turbo (tortoise) maybe he is sleeping. My Acer seeds are on the way to me so i have to get my act together and prepare for that pleasure which will take me through to 2012 and i hope some beautiful plants. Isn’t it odd how every year the next season gets more and more exciting , even before it begins ? . Well take care all, enjoy ,hope all is ok in your gardens. Tony
Glechoma Hederacea variegata 2 yrs ago
Vinca (perry winkle) 1 yr ago
22 Sep, 2011
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Pleased all is well with you Tony, not good to lose ones sweets, it happens here all the time usually by Mr Nobody, lol.
Try sticking your rose cuttings upside down, a rose grower recommended that on a gardening prog a few years back, s`posed to work better, I just stick mine into the ground and hope for the best, sometimes they take and others its a nogo, I`ve never had any luck with them in pots though...
22 Sep, 2011
Hi lincslass Thankyou for planting tip. Are you sure the chap planted his rose cuttings upside down?. blooming heck if the roots come out at the correct end then i fear the flower may appear in Australia (LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
23 Sep, 2011
Hi Elizabeth Nice to hear from you. I have put another 3 Rose cuttings in to try again. Rose has green fingers like my sister and both of them appear to be very good gardeners. Sis cannot make Jam like Rose though(LoL). Crikey Suminagashi, thats a very nice japanese maple, changes colour in autumn ,from purpil to crimson. My seeds are hybrid autumn coloured 20 seeds T & M. Princess are you sure about hot tap water? I was advised to use luke warm for 48 hours, then proceed as you stated but to plant 1/4 from surface. Steve nix Forestry guide (New York) he gives advice on most maples. Anyway we are both into the begining of what i hope will be enjoyable Maple tree,s. Am going to PM you now. Thankyou for squeeze have squashed Tiny by mistake (LoL). Tony
23 Sep, 2011
Hi Tony, Monty Don had some good tips on Rose cuttings last night on GW. Did you see it? If not, then he took his cuttings from hardwood stems, about 10" long. He cut them clean across the bottom, and on the diagonal at the top ( so you would know which was which) just above a leaf node. Then watered them in a trench, and he was expecting 50% success with them. Think I may give them a go myself....:o)
24 Sep, 2011
hi Janey Put 3 new Rose cuttings in recentley. Wish i had seen Monty Don,s show but afraid it eluded me . Thankyou for reminding me though as now i will put future shows on hard drive. He is a great Gardener. Thankyou take care Tony
24 Sep, 2011
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Hello Tony! Never you worry about the rose cuttings! Maybe put one or two outside this winter in a pot with good sharp sand mixed in with the compost, Rose says that they rarely fail with her that way, in fact I think she just pops them into her border and they root by spring. I wasn't successful the first few times either Tony, so it's nothing to fret about, we'll get one rooted soon enough!
My Acer seeds arrived a couple of days ago, I got one called 'Sumi nagashi', 5 seeds, and it says the same as you said, to soak them in hot tap water for 24-48hrs, then to seal the seeds in a ziploc bag with moist but not wet vermiculite or sphagnum moss and refrigerate for 7-8 weeks. Then you check regularly and remove and plant up any seeds that germinate during this time. Or you can sow the seeds 1/8in deep in compost, tamp the soil, and mulch it, I'm presuming grit would be the thing here, and put it somewhere sheltered outside! I was going to suggest, if you would like me to put your seeds in my fridge, just pm me and I'll send you my address, I'm putting mine in so, the more the merrier! This acer is supposed to be a really intense red, but that could just be blarney! We'll see! Hope you got your tuck box replenished, that was sneaky, swiping your Murray mints! They're too good to hurry!! Speak soon Capt'n, I'm sending everyone a squeeze!
22 Sep, 2011