Todays progress
By 230338
A little cold this morning but exciting as it appears two of my three Rose cuttings are growing buds. My Acer,s in the propagator indoors also appear to be well humidified. Lawns very attractive, and my few cuttings seem on course. I cut my Silver jubilee back, and finished converting Two pots for next years plants. I have an enquirey about two plants which i cannot identifie. Am pleased with things at present and have entered my photographs from this morning in the hope you will like them. Take care enjoy Tony
Converted spare pots
Lawn today
Eunonimus cutting
Original Eunonimus bush( 5cuttings taken all ok)
Please identifie this plant
Please identifie this plant
24 Oct, 2011
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I think it is a Hypericum too, ..a lovely plant for all summer flowering..glad your Rose cuttings are doing well.:o)...Sticki,sending you a PM..
24 Oct, 2011
Ah har! I'm back, me hearty! That's so good that your wee rose cutting seem to be doing well, I'm keeping everything crossed for continued success! Remember to tell me, in case I forget to uncross them and do myself a mischief!
I think the first plant in the terracotta pot is a regal pelargonium, and the second is as Sticki and Bloomer say, an Hypericum, Rose of Sharon. The pelargonium will need to be brought indoors, Tony, and cuddled up for the winter, I was going to say to put it on a windowsill indoors, but I've had another look at it and it seems to be quite big! Maybe it would be better in the greenhouse, and wrap it up really well with fleece on the frosty nights. The Hypericum is as tough as old boots usually, although ours did have to get severely pruned after the prolonged frost last year, but it sent up loads of shoots from the base, and it recovered itself in one season! I can hardly hear myself type...the wind is absolutely howling around the house! And the rain! Could you come across and show me how to build an Ark!? Lol! The flooding they showed on the national telly was just down the road from us, I had to drive through it to get home, but I just waited at the side of the road, until a big lorry came past me, then I nipped out and drove behind him in the tracks left by his wheels! It worked brilliantly!
What are the pots with holes in for, Tony? Are they a cunning plan, or am I just being a bit thick? Your lawns are looking in great heart for the winter, a lot of hard work well rewarded! The wee acer seeds are ace, I'm still sneaking peeks, I can't help it! I've been putting lots of seeds in the propagator, I'll tell you all about them tomorrow! Bye for now! Sending you a pm!
24 Oct, 2011
I also agree that it is a hypericum ,but if it has grown quite large, then it is Hypericum Hidcote.You can cut it right back and it will be even better next year.I think Elizabeth's right and it does look like a pelagonium. Is it perfumed Tony? Your lawns put mine to shame, they are immaculate.Isn't it lovely to have our Elizabeth back.Its not been the same without her. I won't comment on your flooding as we have already spoke, but you were brave to venture outside at all. Stickie, I do my rose cuttings outside in a trench with good compost and gritty sand for drainage. When I've prepared the trench I take hardwood cuttings which will just look like sticks, and put them with a decent gap in the trench and then water them in. Unless we get a very dry winter you shouldn't have to touch them until the spring, but done this way is not a good idea to transplant them into their permanent positions until Nov. next year.You can use your prunings for your cuttings providing they are the thick part and to put them in the right way round. Sorry Tony, I didn't mean to ramble on.
25 Oct, 2011
thank you rose, i think i will have a go!
25 Oct, 2011
I lost my Hypericum last winter, shame really as I bought it many years ago, my first ever trip to Bodnant Gardens, I`m determined not to replace it until I go to Bodnant again, daft I know cos I could buy one in town but heighho thats me.
I notice parts of your Euonymus are going all green, I always cut those parts out of mine, I like to see the variegated leaves. Pleased your cuttings are doing well, lets hope they continue to do so...
25 Oct, 2011
Hi Stickie Elizabeth introduced me to Rose cutting process. I put 3 cuttings with a leaf on top into a 7 ins pot dipped in root powder and thats it. My first attempt was a total failiure. Its early days yet but the buds are really developing on one of the two cuttings. the other cutting is a little slower. my cuttings are off a Silver jubilee on the front lawn. Take care give it a try. Tony
25 Oct, 2011
Thankyou Bloomer You are 100% correct all suggestions from members point to that answer . Take care enjoy Tony
25 Oct, 2011
thanks tony, i have silver jubilee, so maybe i could try that, its a tall one in my garden, so i will happily take a cutting from it.
25 Oct, 2011
Hi Elizabeth pots with Holes are for my strawberry plants next year 4 to a pot or my trailing pansy,s. Ark under construction but cannot get it out of my shed as shed door to narrow(LoL). Back to the drawing board. Muffin,Turbo and Nelson on boared. Take care number one. Tony
25 Oct, 2011
Hi Rose i have copied your Rose cutting advice and thank you. My 2 cuttings this time are getting buds on them. Very excited and hope they continue to improve for next year. Don,t worry about your job in the Galley Rose We have a great redundancy policy in place. Elizabeth is working on it as we speak(LoL). Take care enjoy Tony
25 Oct, 2011
Stickie 3 cuttings to a pot. 10 ins cuttings with a leaf on top. Dip base of cutting in a rooting powder and insert in soil. Rose also has good tip on Rose cuttings . May try Roses tip next year. Good luck Tony
25 Oct, 2011
Hi lincslass Bodnant gardens good memorys yes we visited some time ago beautyful gardens . Liked the statues very impressive visit. thankyou Tony
25 Oct, 2011
Ha! Ha! I meant you to build it over here! But that's so kind of you, maybe you could use it if you get the same rain as we had! We had a month's rain in one day, it was phenomenal! The Lagan has burst its banks near here and it looks like a lake now, it was lovely this evening with the sun setting behind it! No camera of course, duh! Are you putting your pots into something or are you hanging them on the fence? So many questions! lol! I've just thought, I don't think I've heard of trailing pansies!? Are these new plants on order for next year, they sound lovely!
I see Muffin is still on the crew, has he not eaten your good self and the lovely Val out of house and shed yet?! Does she know, whisper:(that she is really feeding next doors pup?!) With him probably growing like grass, he'll soon be on the big family sized tin of biccies! Lol!
25 Oct, 2011
Although the rose cutting advice i gave you gives you more or less 100% results, you do have to wait a bit longer for your roses.By the way, do I take it to mean I am redundant now I am not no. 1 any more!Lol.
26 Oct, 2011 are nĂºmero uno! And Chief cook and bottle washer! I'm going to try your rose propagation advice on one of Mum's roses, I have loads to prune off before winter, I left them this year, and didn't prune them so I would get good long lengths to use as cuttings. One of the stems is about a foot taller than me! I think I can use much of the length, as long as it's no thicker than a pencil and I cut them right, so I know which way is up!
26 Oct, 2011
Hi Elizabeth My pots with holes have a tray(not shown) at their base. i have made a hanging point in my greenhouse for the one i want to put Strawberrys in. Have bracket for second pot but still pondering its location. I go a lot on plant direction (north, south ect) my good wall,s are full for next year and i don,t want to use my north wall for plants as its got my cuttings on it . My palace next to my GH has its windows facing north ( GH goes north to south front to back corner to corner) . Sorry about the Ark Elizabeth we got it to liverpool but it sank promptley on launch. Am worried Rose is being very nice about the bottle and kitchen duties. Please keep me informed on useing Roses cutting tip its a sound tip i would like to try but i have to wait for this yrs plants to mature before i can move on . Take care number one Tony
26 Oct, 2011
Hi Rose Your still on board and we could,nt manage without you. Take care Tony
26 Oct, 2011
I am very nice Tony, how could you think otherwise!You should be able to make quite a few cuttings from that Elizabeth, and as they take such a long time you need to put them somewhere you can't see them. I'm lucky, because I can do all my cuttings on the allotment next door.Thankyou for your last comment, My head is now getting very big!
27 Oct, 2011
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That euonymous seems to be doing very well, glad to hear about the Rose cuttings, I don't know how to do those.
Is that plant sometimes called Rose of Sharon?
24 Oct, 2011