New projects
By 230338
With winter showing its head i have to venture on to new projects. Gardening will always take a high priority but my Joinery comes in at this stage. I have supplied heat to my shed and i am now building furniture for our bathroom and installing Mahogany curtain rails in lounge and dining room. Afraid i am not a winter gardener but do tend to our plants when required at this time of year. i will not be able to go on site as much as i would want( to my freinds and fellow members please do not take offence) but at this time of year only a 36 hour day would releave the situation. Nothing is wrong and i will from time to time come back to Goy as much as possible. Take care good gardening Tony Ps Elizabeth i will be keeping in touch on the Acer project Tatty by for now.
26 Oct, 2011
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Take care Tony, pleased to hear you have warmth in your workspace....
27 Oct, 2011
Oh no , and you've just reinstated me (last blog) What are we going to do without you.I also put "like this blog" as it was nice of you to tell us. Don't be away too long. Take care. Rose.
27 Oct, 2011
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14 Apr, 2011
Oh no! I'm not putting 'like this blog' because I don't! What will we do without you?! Oh dear, well, I know you have plenty to do at home, and now you have got some heating in the palace there'll be no stopping you! I hope you've bought Tiny a little yellow hard hat and a hi-visibility vest, because you know he'll want to be foreman, sorry, forebudgie, but most of all, he'll need a little shovel to lean on and say, (while taking a short intake of breath)ohhh, I dunno's gonna cost ya! Bye bye for now, Tony, I'll miss you...
26 Oct, 2011