My deed today
By 230338
As i did my rumba down to my greenhouse with my new camera in one hand and my glass of lemonade in the other, i noticed my euonymus gold leaf bush appeared smaller than i thought. Blinking heck my good lady had cut the top 3 inches off it by gum!. I was devastated but i did,nt comment as it could have been curtains for my lunch if i had. So i looked back towards the lounge window and that little ball of feathers dancing methodically on the window ledge and wishing my good lady had cut his blooming feathers off instead. Anyway i have a problem nice people( no not with Tiny he is a constant problem) Please can you identify this Fuchsia and the container cutting i am growing. Have just taken 4 Rose cuttings from my silver jubilee . Hope next year the cuttings show as good as the parent plant. Take care all Tony
Really nice Fuchsia
Forgotten the name for this cutting taken last year
20 Sep, 2012
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hi Rose Thankyou for the memory jolt. Yes thats the bush cutting i have. Senior moments (LoL) yes thats a very appropriat term. Havent done much gardening today rose as the nice weather here prompted me to cut. wood for picture frames. 27 strips cut but i have to cut them when its dry as my electric table saw cannot be used in my shed. Yesterday however i put 4 Silver jubilee cuttings in my little Rose bed in front garden. My other Rose cutting appears fine and has leaves on it now. Also good growth on my pyrocanthus cuttings (3) so things are looking good for next year. My vinca cuttings 3 again are just taking off but getting the flower on the parent plant appears difficult. What did you think of my new camera shots?. The exposure appears slightley better. Take care Rose, i am going to investigate that fuchsia identification now. Tony
22 Sep, 2012
Wow, you are going to be busy Tony. A man with so many talents! I'm pleased your rose cuttings are doing well. I couldn't believe how quick mine rooted and grew. From February until now, and they have all been flowering for at least two months. That must be a record! Your photo shots are great. Was there no news of your other camera then?
23 Sep, 2012
Hi Rose Blinking heck Rose your weather is indeed an asset to your Rose cuttings!. My cutting is small but the leaves look healthy. Afraid it maybe next year to flower stage. No camera but the hotel has promised to keep an eye out just in case. Its quite possible we lost it on the grounds but we keep fingers crossed. Weather here today dull and windy but i repaired a dining chair in my palace for a neighbour. Love my woodwork , love my garden, but have many senior moments(LoL) with my computor and Tiny. Never a dull moment Rose ,tomorrow its a search for garden bulbs at our GC hope it stays dry to put them in. Take care enjoy Tony
23 Sep, 2012
Its a lovely Fuschia, sorry can`t help with the name Tony...Keep up the good work, lol...
24 Sep, 2012
Pleased your enjoying your new camera Tony, I do hope the other one is found though. That certainly is a stunning fuchsia, one of the southern belle types? Fraid I don't know the name though.......
We had Bella Rosella last year, the same pink top but deeper maroon skirt.
25 Sep, 2012
Hi Lincslass My good lady and i really like that Fuchsia but we got it earley last year and were surprized it flowered again after a bad winter. The plant label has withered with the cold but i will get its name eventualey. Take care Tony
25 Sep, 2012
Hi janey Glad you liked the Fuchsia. Yes we had a bella rosella its a very nice plant. We live in hope that our old camara is returned Janey it holds a wealth of nice memories. Take care enjoy Tony
25 Sep, 2012
I think I'll have to take more photos of the rose cuttings as I can't believe how large they are growing! It sounds like you have the perfect life Tony. No worries , only senior moments! Lol
27 Sep, 2012
Hi Rose Must get my Rose cuttings on line asap. Rose my motto to a happy free life is keep doing what you like and appreciate the fact that you can do it. Not many senior moments but they are on the horizon. My silver jubilee is now pruned for winter, whilst my rose cuttings i hope are growing roots. Recent weather has helped many of my plants but alas some appear very tired. All my baskets are occupied with my cuttings and they look very happy. Greenhouse practicaley empty but for my strawberry plants. Am planning now for 2013. Take care Rose Tony
27 Sep, 2012
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Can't help you there, Tony, sorry. Perhaps you should put it up on the question page. the container shrub looks like a hypericum.Maybe Rose of Sharon. You must be having senior moments Tony. I get them all the time! Perhaps you should label it next time! Hahaa!
21 Sep, 2012