odd weather
By 230338
Very cold ,very windy but i braved it all to visit my Palace and i enjoyed the stay very much. My base frame for Tinys New play station is under construction. Very delicate perching and on the whole the entire station will be very light. I originally intended to put some Coleus seeds down in my propagator but can do that tomorrow. Tiny is at present top priority as he has been exceptionally good mannered to our visitors but he does,nt kid me. I am onto his plan as i found to my surprise when tweety pies big toe vanished. Blooming cannibal in our home surely not!. Well i am not making him a grass skirt evan if he is a toe eater. I may have to keep a close eye on him. Recentley i caught him keeping a close eye on me from my good ladies flower vase(LoL). Take care ,evidence enclosed for all to see. Tony
I rest my case.
21 Mar, 2013
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So thats what all that new wood was for, Tony! And I thought it was to barricade our mutual friend out! You must be dedicated to go out there in this cold weather! Unless of course you now have heating in your little palace! Hahaa! Love the roses!
23 Mar, 2013
Hi Rose Heat in palace(Shed) was on full today but had to return to house as my good lady was uncomfortable at strong winds hitting shed wall,s. It was a perfect oppertunity for Elizabeth to invade but the wind may have effected her sat nav (LoL). Take care Rose Tony
24 Mar, 2013
Poor Elizabeth not only lost her sat nav, Tony, but her electric as well! Its been quite bad in N. Ireland! Really fed up with these strong cold winds now!
25 Mar, 2013
hi Rose yes i beleive northern ireland has had it very bad. Hope Elizabeth and familey get through it ok. Its been very cold here and gales each day but at the moment its dry. Shed and greenhouse are still intact though but alas the gales will not let me use either. Not had chance to put seeds down am waiting with hope. Take care Rose Tony
25 Mar, 2013
Sorry Tony I didn't get back to you. Yes they are all ok and I will tell her you have been asking after her.
29 Mar, 2013
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When I was little we had a budgie, he used to sit on the tops of pictures etc and peck at the wallpaper. Mum used to go mad and was for ever moving pictures up to hide the pecked paper lol.
He was sweet though and would sit on your shoulder and give you a kiss. He was also quite vocal and would chatter none stop until his cage was covered up.
Unfortunately one day when he was having a fly around, someone opened and the door and he was gone in a flash...never to be seen again :(
22 Mar, 2013