Wasted Weekend :(
Well, as they say all good plans! I had a huge gardening weekend planned – planting veg seeds, tubers and plants, deadheading daffs and sprinkling some more annuals seeds plus feeding the front ceanothus hedge which looks hurrendous with some fertilizer. But we spent most of the weekend collating insurance paperwork and trying to list our belongings, the reason being we arrived home on Tuesday evening to find we had been burgled. A professional job according to the phorensics, the theives took 2 cars, one was a 111R Lotus Elise, a 52 plate Seat Ibiza, 2 lap tops, one a brand new Mac Book and one belonging to my 16 year old with all her GCSE Coursework on it, an LCD TV and the worst was my Nans Edwardian antique wedding and engagement ring, a solitaire diamond ring, jewellery that my late mother in law gave me and other memorable stuff which just can’t be replaced.
I can’t begin to tell you how depressing it all is. The house was a tip and they went through everything. We are managing to get back to normal and I am going to get myself outside for some respite gardening this week hoping that the weather hold for me, I have so much to do. Not too sure what to do with the dead ceanothus, it is only 2 shrubs, but it looks tatty and we are moving so nothing will grow in time to dig them out. I have bought some quick growing clematis to try to hide them, I hope that helps. I will post some pictures later this week to see if you guys have any suggestions
24 Mar, 2008
Previous post: Sowed my annual seeds
Next post: On a cheerier note
O NO :( IM SO SO SORRY what im thinkn is not fit 4 site i hope these Villians will get their DUES as Many DO& im wishing&hopeing so HARD that your Items r returned BIG HUGS Andrearichters X
24 Mar, 2008
So very sorry to hear this. Thinking positive for you that your items will be returned.
24 Mar, 2008
So sorry to hear this awful news. Lets hope that the missing items are quickly found.Try to keep your spirits up.
With kind regards and best wishes for happier times ahead.
24 Mar, 2008
I'm so sorry to read about this, Andrea. can't say what I really want to as, like Jacque, it is unprintable. Just when I thought I was going to read soon that you had sold and relocated to IoW. Our thoughts are with you all right now - keep your chins up!
25 Mar, 2008
o my god,It must be so awful for you,why do they have to do this,I hope you are feeling a little better today,and yes as we all say keep your chin up................
25 Mar, 2008
You poor things Andrea. Our thoughts are with you and lets hope the Police catch the scum who did this quickly.
25 Mar, 2008
Thank you guys for all your support, I can't even begin to start to tell you all how I feel, I suppose a little shocked and empty, plus I had some pretty bad news about my health as well, my kidneys are only working at 44%. It has truly been the week from hell! I am trying to get motivated because all of my gardening jobs are stacking up, I'm blaming my unwillingness on the weather!!
My eldest, Kayleigh is pretty positive about her GCSE Coursework and has had a lot of help from the school and the exam boards and has been given extensions on deadlines so that isn't as bad as she thought and she had hard copies of most of her assignments. Jed my hubby is feeling pretty blue, his Lotus apparently was the reason we were targeted, they are stolen to order, the Satelite tracking company tracked it to Bishop's Stortford in Herts, but haven't had a reading for over 4 days so that is probably on a container ship to Japan!! I have been taking my anger out on my personal trainer, she has been making me do plenty of boxing to expel some frustration!!!
Once again, thanks for all your support xx
25 Mar, 2008
ohh Darling - poor you. what B"!@@'ds! i shall have a little prayer for you and your family, i can understand how you feel - never been burglerd but we did have a fire once in our old house, luckly no one was hurt, which is of course always the main thing in these sito's. but i remeber the feeling when i got off the bus from work and half my neighbourhood and my mums best friend were waiting for me at the bus stop, so that i would'nt walk round the corner and see it before i knew everyone was out. my mum was already around a neighbours drinking a brandy and my dad was away on a golf weekend at the time, my brother had discovered the fire and luckly went into the shed to get a bucket of water, but the timing was just perfect because as he did that (and the dog had luckly followed him) the hole of the top floor blew up - it was an electrical fault so it is sooooo lucky that he did'nt actually manage to get the bucket of water. but i remeber the feeling standing outside the house which was completely gutted knowing that i had liturally what i stood in! - not a nice feeling! and i guess when you are burgled you also have the invastion of privacy thing too. well all i can say is my thoughts are with you and your family. All the best Angie xx PS don't worry about the cuttings! bless- you have far more important things on your plate at mo! x
25 Mar, 2008
Hi Angie, so sorry to hear you were burgled it's such horrendous feeling, My son is a detective i know what he would like to do with them, but to many do gooders. our thoughts are with you & your family.
25 Mar, 2008
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andrea, what can i say but im so sorry that had happened to you. i do know what its like and its horrible, all i can say is that whoever did this will have NO luck at all. big cyber hugs to you and i sincerly hope that the police catch these *******s and that your property is returned.xxxxxxxxx
24 Mar, 2008