Nearly New Home For Sale
By AndrewR
Free to new family, this cosy residence was built last year. Sheltered location, good access to pond, worms and berries. Would suit a new couple looking to raise a family.
Apply to Maureen, c/o ‘Devonia’
8 Apr, 2015
Previous post: Third Time Lucky (Good Customer Service)
Next post: I've Replaced A Camellia - With A Camellia
Its survived the winter very well considering all the high winds we've had. I love the way the linings are so soft, just right for new babies...
8 Apr, 2015
Isn't it amazing how neat and tidy they look, I haven't got any in the ivy this year but think I will have in the conifers, what always amuses me is the fact that they build right next to a pouch I placed there in the hopes something would use it, obviously not good enough....
8 Apr, 2015
is it small enough for a wren?
8 Apr, 2015
I found it lying on the ground beside the blue conifers in the foliage garden this afternoon. It might have got blown off in the winds last week.
I replaced it among the foliage at the back of one of the trees, so it is now sheltered and out of the sun.
8 Apr, 2015
Incredible structures when you only have a beak! We'd struggle for such perfection with a pair of hands!
9 Apr, 2015
Don't wrens make SBG domed nests SBG?
9 Apr, 2015
It always fascinates me to see these works of art. Nature is a beautiful thing. I've just put up a bird house and hope I get a tiny tenant soon.
10 Apr, 2015
Update: I think this nest is now occupied, although I haven't been for a closer look.
6 May, 2015
2016 update: a pair of robins are definitely nesting in my blue conifers this year. I could hear the youngsters when I weeded behind the trees last week, and one of the parents flew into the trees when it thought no-one was watching.
29 May, 2016
Recent posts by AndrewR
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- Farewell
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that is a lovely little residence. Do you know what lived there?
8 Apr, 2015