"After the Rains"
By Bilbo
Well after the flash floods here in Liverpool and my newly seeded lawns washed away, i have watched my newly prepared borders grow beautiful grass!!!! and the bare patches on the lawns remain bare!!!!!!! But i remain positive and sympathetic to a point!! to the forces of nature. The borders have been weeded( well de-grassed) and some beautiful azalias (not sure that is the correct spelling!!!!!) planted in the last border of the garden to be planted up. We went to the garden centre and paid a little extra for more established plants, and it paid off, the border looks great.
I am now growing tomato plants in my porch as it is full of glass, little like a green house!! got the seeds from my mum and they are growing nicely. Advice i have been given is – water once a day and feed once a week- is that right?
6 Jun, 2008
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Hi im growing tomatoes in those little tomatoe greenhouses, and its my first time & thats what i was told, so we'll see how they do. mine are doing quite well got a few flowers on mine. I only live down the road from you in blackpool, luckely we did'nt get as much rain as you did. lets know how your tomatoes get on.
7 Jun, 2008
The amount of water tomatoes need will vary according to the amount of sun etc. we get. It"s better to feel the soil, if it does not stick to your fingers then it is in need of water, if you over water them the toms will split, if you underwater the fruit may not set.
Tomatoes hate shock conditions so keep at about the same level of soil dampness, and shelter from sudden changes of heat.
Good luck the work will be rewarded by the taste.
7 Jun, 2008
Glad to hear that you are also recovering from your floods! Not a lot of fun, is it?
7 Jun, 2008
Recent posts by Bilbo
- Hello .....
25 May, 2009
- Lost all my fish !!!!
24 Oct, 2008
- Flash Floods
13 May, 2008
- Working in the garden
4 May, 2008
- "Flooded Out !! "
19 Apr, 2008
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12 Apr, 2009
It's so disheartening when all your hard work is destroyed, but you'll get there if you persever. I've just hed a look at your photos, (Sometimes I miss a lot.) You have a lovely garden.
7 Jun, 2008