"Flooded Out !! "
By Bilbo
Well here we are again holding our breath that a summer will come along this year. I am a fairly new gardener only really became interested in my mid forties when i realised that all night raves and the worst hangovers at the weekend had to come to an end. So i hung up my dancing shoes for a nice sturdy but comfortable pair of gardening boots and gardening gloves!!!. My self and my partner who is a keen gardener moved into our house 2 years ago. Last year we put a pond in, unaware that we were the lowest garden in the road, the rain came and the pond went a way- we ended up with a small lake for a back garden.So – we started again, we have now raised the pond and put drainage in. We still have problems when it rains but not to the extent as last year. Our project for this year is now to landscape around the pond area and put plants that like moist (well wet) soil. Would welcome any suggestions about plants. We will be taking photos to show the before and after. Heres to a warmer and dry summer.
19 Apr, 2008
More blog posts by Bilbo
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Hi Spritzhenry.
Never thought of a proper "bog garden" - thankyou for the suggestions. I am off to the garden centre tommorow armed with me list of your suggested plants!! - let you know how we get on.
19 Apr, 2008
Hi Bilbo! Oh, what I wouldn't give for a 'wet' bit of garden...my garden is very sharply drained and I long to grow some of those plants mentioned by Spritz - esp the candelabra primulas and Astibles and Gunneras and the rest! :-)
19 Apr, 2008
hi bilbo, happy hunting at the garden centre. i should be banned from those places, i can never just go and have a look around , always end up buying things lol
19 Apr, 2008
Sorry - slip of the brain - I meant candleabra Primulas, not candlestick. Primula vialii is lovely, too, if you come across it!....
19 Apr, 2008
Recent posts by Bilbo
- Hello .....
25 May, 2009
- Lost all my fish !!!!
24 Oct, 2008
- "After the Rains"
6 Jun, 2008
- Flash Floods
13 May, 2008
- Working in the garden
4 May, 2008
Hi Bilbo - welcome to GOY! I'm glad you can look on the positives of your 'wet' part of the garden - you can have a proper bog garden with all the beautiful plants that thrive there, not just a pond, like some folks. How about varieties of Candlestick Primulas for a start! Then there are Irises that enjoy damp feet, Iris ensata I think one name is, and I.sibirica. Rodgersia, and if you have room for a 'biggie' - Gunnera is a wonderful architectural plant! Then there are Astilbe and Trollius, tall Lythrum salicaria 'Robert' - and others- Lychnis, Filipendula, Zantedeschia aethiopica - and that's just for starters! I'm looking forward to seeing what you achieve. Good luck. P.S. I'd like a summer this year, too... :-)
19 Apr, 2008