My Garden
Another Day Well Spent In The Garden, Front Lawn Raked And Cut 3 Times Ready For Sharp Sand And Lawn Feed, Looks A Bit Bare At The Moment But Will Ecentually Show Some Colour.
Back Garden. 3 Trips To The Tip, Ivy Gradually Dying Off, Ready To Paint Trellis Tomorrow (Weather Permitting).
Have Just Ordered Quite A Few Plants Ready For Sept.
Garden Starting To Look Tidy..
9 Aug, 2008
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All I can say is - it must be better weather over in the east of the country! It's been raining here today, I got damp walking Henry this morning, and when I poked my head out just now - it rained on me! So no gardening today. Got a lot done yesterday, though! You worked hard today and there's still time to do more, Delbert! Why are you typing and not dead-heading? LOL.
9 Aug, 2008
I bet you feel really pleased now, Delbert. What an acvhievement!
9 Aug, 2008
Lucky Living In The South East - Forecast Was Heavy Rain Today. But Only A Few Spots..
What's Dead-Heading?Lol
9 Aug, 2008
Well you must feel satisfied, it sounds like you're making excellent progress. Enjoy re-creating your garden.
9 Aug, 2008
I'm southeast-ish and it has been raining here since about 11am. Just been out on slug patrol - 74 tonight GRRRRR
9 Aug, 2008
It seems to me that the summer weather here in the UK has been largely an east/west divide - until now that is! It apparently poured non-stop during our week in balmy London and, since our return home, we've only had yesterday dry. My waterers-in-waiting got off lightly, in my opinion! Still, no hours of watering for me nightly now! Dead-heading, Delbert, is the removal of spent flowerheads as soon as they appear, to encourage further flowering. It also applies to many fruit and veggies - pick often to allow more to develop. Best Wishes!
9 Aug, 2008
Glad to hear you've been able to get plenty of work done. I've had a delivery of topsoil 2 weeks ago and it's still waiting to be brought in. We've had nothing but rain every day, and it's still raining now.
10 Aug, 2008
Very Lucky Here On The Coast, Plenty Of Rain During The Evening, But Just Right To Do The Garden During The Day
10 Aug, 2008
I also planned a day in my garden yesterday, only to be ruined by the rain here in Yorkshire.
10 Aug, 2008
Recent posts by DELBERT
- Potatoe Patch
17 Oct, 2010
- Another Year
28 Mar, 2010
- What To Do With The Pond Filter
26 Mar, 2009
- A Cold Day
10 Jan, 2009
- Tidy Up
16 Nov, 2008
- Rainy Days & Mondays
1 Nov, 2008
Is it not raining where you live, my garden is soaking & still pouring with rain.
9 Aug, 2008