Identification of mystery plants
By Gillian
I now have my list from the kind people at McKenzie seeds of what may be included in my ‘Old Fashioned Flower Garden Mix’.
For anyone else growing these, I’m going to list what you might expect to see!
Adonis aestivalis – summer adonis
Ammi majus – bishop’s flower
Ammobium alatum – winged everlasting
Bupleurum rotundifolium – roundleaf thorough wax
Calendula officinalis – calendula
Centaurea cynus – cornflower
Cheiranthus allionii – siberian wallflower
Cheiranthus maritimus – virginia stock
Collinsia bicolor – collinsia
Coreopsis tinctoria – coreopsis
Cynoglossum elegans – chinese forget me not
Eschscholtzia california – california poppy
Gypsophila elegans – baby’s breath
Iberis umbellata – candytuft
Impatiens balsamine – balsam
Linum grandiflorum rubrum – scarlet flax
Lobularia maritima – sweet alyssum
Lupinus hartwegii – giant king
Malope trifida – malope
Nemophila menziesii – baby blue eyes
Nigella damanscena – love-in-a-mist
Phacelia tanacetifolia – phacelia tansy
Phalaris canariensis – canary grass
5 Jul, 2008
Previous post: Can anyone identify this?
Next post: Need More Time!
It is phacelia tansy. Not scabious at all, but kind of similar looking. You live and learn!
5 Jul, 2008
I thought that Tansy was a white flower - I am totally bemused.
5 Jul, 2008
And I only knew the yellow one! The important word is phacelia it seems.
5 Jul, 2008
Thanks so much for posting this Gillian! I think I may have weeded out the canary grass thinking it was just grass, lol!Interesting that they listed one Nemophila but not the other. I also have Poppies in mine, not just the California ones. Can't remember if they were McKensie seed though, so might be a slightly different mix. I have the Virginia Stock (very nice little plant) and the Chinese Forget-Me-Nots and the Collinsia, both Nemophilas, California poppies and Oriental Poppies, Gypsophila (love this too!), Sweet Alyssum, Cornflowers & Phacelia Tansy. I also have a tall cluster of dark lilac flowers that I'll post a photo of. So far...
It has been fun and educational discovering them all, hasn't it?
6 Jul, 2008
I bought a garden magazine last week and it had a free pack of mixed flower seeds with it. I wonder what will come up? It's too late now for this year, but something to look forward to .
6 Jul, 2008
What a bumper bundle your packet contained, Gillian, and it has been fun having the 'identification quiz' on here. Will you be running a book for guessing which will be the next to bloom ? ;-)
Blodyn, are you sure it is too late to sow your free seeds? It seems rather mean for publishers to promote the sales of their magazine with a pack of free seeds that cannot be planted straight away.
6 Jul, 2008
Blodyn, things grow so fast this time of year, it may not be too late. I just optimistically began growing some more marigolds and Nicotiana sylvestrii a couple of weeks ago!
6 Jul, 2008
My garden is in a mess right now because I'm having much of it raised with topsoil. and the rest is just a jungle of grass waiting for me to get it sorted out. so I think the best thing would be to keep the seeds till next year and also hope we get some better weather then.
6 Jul, 2008
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It doesn't say 'Scabious' though! So is there a concensus on what the pretty blue flower is?
5 Jul, 2008