A small update on our winter, so far.
By Lori
Funny things, winters. Thankfully they follow a set rhythm, but all the variations require a journal to record peculiarities.
This winter has been STRANGE! sorry to shout but, it’s a source of frustration.
We decided to forego the petroleum fueled furnace this winter. Instead we’ve been burning the wood that I’ve gleaned off the hills. Sad to say I didn’t stockpile enough because I’m having to make forays up the hill with my trusty sled to bring down more. Without the central heat source we fancy we feel a bit healthier. No sore noses or throats. looking forward to spring for many reasons.
Wobbly… that’s what our winter has been. One week bitter cold and icy…the next above zero with rivers of melting… then back again in the space of a single day! Winter started earlier in November and December (those dark months) they seemed to drag.
January! I won’t even go there..except to say… up and down, two mini-thaws …cold, again.
I sure could use some spring. It’s encouraging to see all the lovely spring flowers showing up on GoY.
The Bluejays, woodpeckers, juncos, house sparrows, and the chickadees have flocked to the feeder and suet. It’s been so cold that they really need the fat source.
Last week I counted six deer in our little valley. Their coats are very dark this winter. Wanted a picture but it was dusk and that’s the worst time to try to photograph anything. They only show up at dawn and dusk. That, and my frustration with my eyes…and an aging camera too, I think, has changed the quality of my photos. I look at the pictures and think, Rubbish! can’t seem to focus satisfactorily.
I’ve sorted through the last batch..and these were the best I could find. Alas, roll on spring. :-)
11 Feb, 2018
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you make sure you keep warm enough. I don't like the house too hot and we seem to have avoided most of the germs floating around at this time of year. lets hope you don't get too much more snow.
12 Feb, 2018
Your garden looks bleak :( I hope the spring will come soon for you.
Nice that you can manage with no central heating. Ours has to be on constantly because Beryl suffers from hypothermia.
Pity you didn't get a photo of the deer.
12 Feb, 2018
You've got more energy than I have Lori, don't think I'd fancy dragging a sled of logs now, fun years ago but sadly past it now, couldn't do without our central heating, hubby is always telling me off if I don't have it on during the day and daughter has very bad arthritis so everywhere has to be warm for her also.. My eyesight is better than it was a couple of years ago, so mustn't grumble but admit I take lots of photo's and sort the best out when I have downloaded. You take care when lugging that sled through the woods Lori...
12 Feb, 2018
I'm sure it's not your eyesight: it's your camera. I replaced my original little Casio and the "new" one's images are not a patch on my old one, which alas, no longer works! The difference is amazing. So, my advice is: get a new camera and set it on Automatic if, like me, you're not sure of all the dials etc. Your animal images are worth taking, and posting.
(Thought about some huskies for the sled?) :O)
Shelter/warmth first: food next; everything else after that!!
12 Feb, 2018
Hywel: I have a video that I took a year ago... It wasn't the best for light. Not sure if posting them is possible?
LoL! Eirlys... our Mandy was a true sled dog (or at least her ancestors were) She had bad hips from another part of her gene pool, but I was never tempted to train her to a sled. In her youth she was a little wild and woolly, and I don't have the strength now that I had then.. better to just hitch myself to the traces..I'm a little more biddable! As for the Camera~ I agree about the new ones not being as good as the older ones.. I had a Canon A420 and bought another Canon.. the newer one never has been able to touch the little 420.. especially on macro. Keeping the fire going breaks up my sleep. Thank goodness we're retired and don't have to be up and going early in the day. It's a challenge if we go to visit our sons in Ottawa or have to grocery shop (60 kms. each way) to keep the house warm enough for our birds (two budgies) and his knibs (Rufus) while we're gone.
13 Feb, 2018
Karen: Please keep an eye ...(very bad pun) on your vision stats. I have cataracts! soon be seeing better though, I hope.
SG: I agree. It's part of our culture to live in overheated houses. The bacteria and virii like it too! So far so good!
Lincs: Our ancestor's preoccupation with keeping warm in the winter came from drafty houses and frozen water pumps... We keep our house warm enough that, thank goodness, we still have running water. Frozen pipes are really hard to deal with. I do the same with my pics. I have filled up SD cards from years back..and most of them on my comp. the results of my photo forays in the (bright) snow have been unsatisfactory... I erase as many as I keep it seems.
13 Feb, 2018
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Hang on in there Lori. I struggle a bit now too with my eyesight. Its not bad at all, but sometimes its not good enough for what I am trying to do. Especially when its dark outside.
11 Feb, 2018