pond slogging
By Lori
I’ve heard that we should view setbacks as opportunities…With the untimely demise of my many little fishes came an opportunity to clean, repair and rethink my pond.
Scrubbing pond liner is no pleasure…and it is very hard work. lugging cement blocks (cinder blocks) and placing them is even harder and whacking in reinforcing bar is even more taxing. ]
BUT, It’s done! and now I can fine tune my waterfall, replace rocks and build a small spillway… Thought about a small waterwheel…but that was after a whole pot of tea…I get over energized sometimes…lol.
In the sober second thoughts came a better idea…a rock cascade into the deepest part of the pond where I can place plants at different levels and place my filter pump more advantageously.
Tahdah…now for the rocks… pinched fingers, bruised knuckles, and raw chapped hands later… the first flight is in.
My pond now has:…a wall with spitter, 24" depth for dwarf nymphaea, a beachlike, gravel shallow for hatchlings and spawning, a spillway into the deep pond for enhanced water circulation, a very deep well like dimple in the very bottom of the deep part for over wintering fish and plants, a rock cascade, shelter from sun for fish…and plant plateaux… I have one small hole to patch and some landscaping around the outer margins, want to find some really big flagstones… and replace some of the grass with patio stones/flagstone…and then I can get on to the really important stuff… planting…lol.
with the sudden, drastic change in temps my perennials are emerging at a record rate…so with my hopes high…I’m keeping to the momentum and getting it done!.
Tempus fugit…carpe diem.
21 Apr, 2008
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This is a monumental task you've undertaken Lori but it sounds like you have everything under control. Your plans for the finished product are great. My pond project that I just finished sounds like sinking a dishpan in the soil compared to yours. Soon you will be at the fun stage when you start planting. I'm really looking forward to seeing photos of the finished project.
21 Apr, 2008
thanks, Mike....I'm famous for taking big bites...and then having to chew it all! lol. Will have pics of the bog to post too. I hope.
22 Apr, 2008
Wow! You are a quick worker! What a major undertaking!It sounds wonderful and can't wait to see your future photos. Great work!
22 Apr, 2008
Well this was certainly a BIG bite Lori :)
22 Apr, 2008
good work Lori, i know ponds are hard work at times but well worth it when its all finished and you can sit back and enjoy it.
22 Apr, 2008
Nice job Lori! Look forward to seeing photos later in the year.
22 Apr, 2008
Hi Lori well done not easy lugging all those heavy materials about.Pond liner weighs more than you think!
Collected mine other day 32'x 20' the guy dropped it into my van with a fork lift truck several hernias later I managed to roll it out. Notice you running from shallow to deep Im running from deep to shallow please dont tell me I ve done this the wrong way round !
22 Apr, 2008
Hi BB...don't think the run is a problem...couldn't find anything in the books I consulted... You've posted some great pics on your blog...I'm still working on my headache, too...someday it will be complete. Please let it be soon!!!
27 Apr, 2008
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24 Dec, 2020
Absolutely great work Lori!
All the wildlife will be in aquatic heaven!
You certainly earned that tea break. We know the feeling as we have been working on our new water feature over the last few weeks and it certainly is hard, cold work when you are working with pond water at this time of the year. Would it be possible to post up some photos please when it is finished and the new pond has had time to settle?
In the meantime congratulations on all your hard work and thanks for sharing the photo.
Best wishes,
21 Apr, 2008