Please help me with my lawn
By Neild
I have recently moved in to my house, it an end terrace that has a long narrow garden area (4m x 7m), i had loads of plans for the summer, but due to a number of reason particularly the weather I had not had chance, I have only managed to mow the lawn once back in June. So you can imagine that it now about 1 foot high and has collapsed on itself I tried to sort it out over the weekend by strimming it first but after only doing a small area it came apparent the the bottom of the area was still very damp and rotted (was brown and very smelly). Has anyone got any suggestions on how I should deal with it, is it savable or should I start completely from scratch next year!. Unfortunately I have got any photos of it at the moment but will post the later.
Thanks in advance
8 Sep, 2008
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Yes i think if you strim it a few times, shears if you wont , but i think if you strim it, let some light and air get to it, then it may come on ok for next summer, and yes welcome to GOY hope you like being with us all.
9 Sep, 2008
Yes it should be savable but we do need some dry weather.Most solutions depend upon it as you ve found hard to get to base level of grass once this long and wet.
Is yours an electric strimmer? If so will not cope with this.A petrol strimmer will do the job but in stages.You need to strim and remove so that you can get to lower grass levels.Ideally a few dry(?) days would help as this would allow you to remove lengthy grass much more easily.Really depends on the equipment you have as petrol rotary mower on high setting without grass box would bring down height after strimming.Dry weather would allow you to begin to collect grass and reduce mowing height.
If it continues to rain Id wait this can be done during any spell of reasonable weather so long as no frost.
9 Sep, 2008
Hope you get your lawn sorted using the above suggestions. Welcome to GOY from me too.
9 Sep, 2008
Welcome and thanks for asking, our lawns are getting in a similar state and I have been in two (or more) minds what to do. Lanky lawns make the garden look so unkempt even if the rest has been attended.
12 Sep, 2008
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1 Mar, 2008
Hello Neild ~
If your lawn area isn't too big, you could try cutting the grass with some type of shears, by hand, reasonably short. The longer the grass, the less chance it has to dry out, and the less light can get to it.
The grass needs more sunshine etc, and less moisture.
So if you have the ability to cut it in this way, you should see gradual improvement. Your photos will reveal whether my solution is workable.
oh, and, Welcome to GoY - enjoy.
9 Sep, 2008