A Colourful Welcome Home!
After a wonderful week in Eastbourne with Sandra and Russell we arrived home on Saturday evening, despite feeling very tired with the heat and long journey home I went straight out into the garden to see how my precious plants had fared durng last weeks heatwave. I was met with a riot of colour and growth, Just can’t believe how much growth the plants have put on with the hot sun on them.
So hope you enjoy the following pictures I couldn’nt wait to take;0)
It resembled a jungle in parts with plants jostling for position and tumbling everywhere.
Lots of the flowers are home grown from seed, Cosmo, Lavatera, Malva, Sweet William
Lysmachia [creating its own splash of sunshine] and Malva make a pleasing combination
A real jumble here with Nasturtiums, Sweet William, Lobelia and Cosmos!
Plants and pots invading the steps.
Sedum Stonecrop adored by the Bees is popping up everywhere!
Yet another jumble,with Lavatera, Nasturums and malva fighting for attention
Campanula, Lactiflora putting on a nice show at the back of the pond.
Clematis ,[name unknown] this was planted last year and Im really pleased to see it romping away along the garden fence;0)
“Double Delight” A lovely standard rose ,Opens Red then the centre sowly turns White [see below]
Climbing Rose," Golden Showers" never fails to please;0)
The beautiful Rose “Peace” with lots of buds yet to open!
Shirley Poppies, these have self seeded from seeds sent from Amy 3yrs ago and I love them!
Like Sandra I have a good friend and neighbour next door who watered and cared for my hanging Baskets at the front of house
So satisfying to see the home grown flowers opening around the garden;0)
Love this pretty Petunia!
The Rose “New Dawn” is one of my favourite roses so pretty in bud and full flower;0)
Hope you have enjoyed sharing my coming home tour of the garden, think I will have to another little holiday so I can come home to all the garden delights again;0))
24 Jul, 2013
Previous post: A Water Babe in the Sun
Very colourful. Lovely garden PP.
24 Jul, 2013
A real riot of colour - so satisfying to see all your seedlings grown up and flowering so beautifully.
24 Jul, 2013
How nice to be welcomed home to such a beautiful array of colour :O)
24 Jul, 2013
It's looking so beautiful,Carole,and I agree,it was lovely to see all the colour in our gardens,when we came home..so many changes in only a week..I'm sure the late Chritopher Lloyd would have approved of the vibrant colours,when we visited his garden at Great Dixter last week..maybe not on the same scale as his,but just as pleasing ..so,is your last comment a little hint to be off on another little jaunt ??? lol x
24 Jul, 2013
Its looking great Pansy and so full, jumbles as you put it are always good to my eyes and isn't it lovely to see so many roses after last years weak efforts....
24 Jul, 2013
Thanks Hywel, having been to see Great Dixter the day before we left for home I was so pleased to see that I have a similar planting Style only much smaller;0)
Thanks Cinderella pleased you like it;0)
Yes Steragram, I was noly saying that I wasnt going to grow many plants from seed next as it is so time consuming, but looking around it all seems so worthwhile now ;0)
Thanks Olive it certainly is colorful lol
Hi Sandra,Thanks for your nice comments and I think Christopher has competion dont you lol
and you never know whats around the corner do you!!
Thanks Lincs I do like Jumbles, dont plan them just put the plants in wherever there is room and nearly always enjoy the results! and yes I agree the Roses are lovely this year;0)
24 Jul, 2013
Was going to say the same thing Pp. keep going away and coming back to this glorious sight, it's a delight.
24 Jul, 2013
Thanks Grandmage , I wasnt sure what to expect with all the hot and dry weather, but it certainly gave everything a boost and made me more apprecative of my little plot ;0))
24 Jul, 2013
Absolutly glorious
25 Jul, 2013
All looking great carole... glad you had a good break in Eastbourne...
25 Jul, 2013
I can imagine Pp. and I know what you mean, I always worry about the garden when we are away!! :)
25 Jul, 2013
Thanks Pamg, one thing thats so nice about coming home from a holiday the gardens always there with something new to cheer you up ;0)
Thanks Holly we had a great holiday, good company , glorious weather, and lots of laughs;0)
25 Jul, 2013
27 Jul, 2013
Beautiful photos, PP. Glad you enjoyed your time away but isn't it lovely to come home :) I have never seen 'Double delight' before - absolutely stunning - it looks almost unreal!
27 Jul, 2013
I think so too Gee, fabulous holiday but nothimg like your own bed!
27 Jul, 2013
Come on,Carole you loved those two duvets ! Lol xx
27 Jul, 2013
Goodness me Carole your garden is positively bursting with a riot of growth and colour! What a super sight when you got home. Your neighbour has also done a great job of watering the baskets etc. We are not so lucky unfortunately, the only time we risked asking a neighbour/friend to water while we were away for a short break in the summer, we came back to baskets gasping and half dead. I'm now very reluctant to go away for more than a couple of days in the summer months. Do you think your neighbour would be willing to come to this side of the Pennines?
I particularly loved your roses, especially 'double Delight' that is very unusual.
28 Jul, 2013
Hi Jan
Thanks for your lovely comments, what a shame you havent got a reliable neighbour like me [I will ask Marie if she can nip over and water yours for you[ may only be once a day though, petrols pricey these days lol]. The rose you admired is very unsusual Harry bought it for my birthday, it was supposed to be Margret Merril [a white rose] obviously had wrong label, it took me ages to try and identify it and Im still not 100 per cent its Double Delight] but I love it and the blooms last a long time too;0)
28 Jul, 2013
Hi Sandra lol not an experience I want to repeat in a hurry lol
28 Jul, 2013
You know I love your garden Carole, and this is why, beautiful:-))
3 Aug, 2013
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What a lovely sight to come home to :o)
24 Jul, 2013