My Flowerless Hydranger
By Pansypotter
United Kingdom
This is the second year running that I havent had a flower on my Hydranger, prior to that there was abundant flowers every year, th efoilage is very healthy looking and no sign of disease.

28 Jul, 2009
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If you didn't prune it at the wrong time, then the other thing might be that, this year, we had a heatwave and drought at roughly the time flower initiation would have begun within the plant - the conditions at that time may well have stopped that process, so it might do it later. But when you pruned is the all important question.
29 Jul, 2009
Well I did give it a little prune, I think it was early Spring as I had read somewhere to leave the old flowers on until winter is over? but I wont touch it again and wait and see what happens next year!
Many Thanks Alzhi and Bamboo for your advice.
29 Jul, 2009
Well you got that right, by the sound of it - you're not supposed to prune much, and when you do its in the spring, and mostly just removing old flowerheads and any dead stems. One thing occurs to me though - your hydrangea seems to be growing under a tree - that's a very dry place to be and it may also be a lack of water even when we're not in drought - this is important for flower initiation too.
30 Jul, 2009
Thanks Bamboo Maybe it is dry! think I will leave it alone and see what happens next year, its been in that place for a number of years, so perhaps needs a rest, Hopefully I will be posting a picture showing an abundance of flowers lol
30 Jul, 2009
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Patience is a virtue! Your plant looks very healthy indeed but the big question is - when and how did you prune it ?
It looks very lush - and I suspect you cut it back too far and so lost the flower buds. Don't feed it - or it will get even more lush - and with any luck you might get a nice surprise later on in the season!
28 Jul, 2009